


英語 高校生

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A) Reading 読解 | Theme → 助動詞/態 次の英文を読んで, 質問に答えなさい。 led Many people are afraid of the small flying animals called bats. There are stories about bats attacking people and drinking human blood. However, bats are Bats are, mammals, just like humans. There are about 1,000 different kinds 5 of bats in the world. Some weigh less than ten grams. Yet the largest bats are not a threat to people. 2 almost 2 meters long when their wings are extended. otyda 。 Most people think bats are rare. That is because they hide during the day 2 and are active only at night. However, bats can be found in almost every naw.。 the world. Some rest in trees or other places Not all bats spend their days in dark caves. 3 10 that keep them safe from attack and changes in weather. Unlike other animals their bodies are designed to@hang upside down. This is the best position for them to take flight suddenly. Bats are the only mammals that can really fly. Their wing structure, bones and muscles help them to move quickly. This helps them in 15 their search for food. Some bats use a guidance system called echolocation to fly in the dark. The creatures produce a series of noises through their mouth or nose. They can judge their distance from an object by the time it takes for the sound to return. Most bats eat insects. However, some bats drink the blood of birds, farm 20 animals and wild animals. These bats, called vampire bats, bite their victims and drink their blood, usually while the victim is sleeping. Our negative image of bats may come from them. (262 words) ots logg NOTES threat [erét] 脅威 hang hán] ぶら下がる a series of 一連の… extend iksténd] 広げる upside down さかさまに vampire [váémpaiarl 吸血鬼 rare [réar] 珍しい unlike [Anláik] …とは違って guidance system 誘導システム 8 Lesson 02

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