


英語 高校生


年 組 Can-do! 日本語で省略される主語などに注意して、英語の文を表現できる 日常行うことや、天候などについて英語で表現できる B 「今日は宿題がありません」 I don't have homework today. POINT 日本語の「~が」 「〜は」がいつも英語の主語になるとはかぎりません。 英語で表現するときには,どの語を主語にするかを考えて英文を作りましょう。 オレンジが好きです。 ⑥ 水泳が得意です。 7 秋は月が美しい. ⑧土曜日は休みです. I like oranges. I'm good at swimming. The moon is beautiful in the fall. We are off on Saturdays. Express Yourself! +上で学んだ表現を使ってみよう。 (1) 今日はクラブ活動 (club activity) がないことを伝えるとき today. I'm free after school. (2) 昨日は熱があって学校を欠席したことを伝えるとき a fever SO (3) 〔公園で〕 ここは春は桜 (cherry blossom) が美しい, と伝えるとき here in from school. C 「今日はとても暑い」 It's very hot today. POINT 天候・時間・距離 明暗などを表す場合, it を主語にします. ⑨ 昨日は雪がひどかった。 It snowed hard yesterday. ⑩ 何時ですか. 一4時です. What time is it? -It's four. ⑩ 京都から東京までどれくらいですか. How far is it from Kyoto to Tokyo ? 500キロくらいですね. Exp 部屋の中は暗かった. It's about 500km. It was dark in the room. Express Yourself! C +上で学んだ表現を使ってみよう。 (1) 右の絵の状況を伝えるとき o'clock now. but today. (2) 今いる場所から駅までどのくらい距離があるかを尋ねるとき from here to

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英語 高校生


プペンシルで解 people than ever can find an audience time filled with disasters, online, "conspiracy theories seem to be growing crazier by the day. We also tend to believe in such things under increased stress, which is unfortunate because many of these ideas are Some conspiracy theorists pride themselves on being "critical freethinkers," but a new damaging our democracies and ourselves. study showing a connection between lower critical thinking skills and increased conspiracy (2) theory belief suggests this may not be the case. "Conspiracy theories refer to attempts to explain the ultimate cause of an important event (social, political, climatic, etc.) by accusing a hidden group of perceived evil, powerful people or organizations of having secretly planned and carried out these events," say Paris Nanterre University psychologist Anthony Lantian and team in their paper. two studies, the researchers tested the critical thinking skills of 338 a French version of the Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test. They then scored the students' tendencies towards conspiracy beliefs and their personal Across undergraduate students (4) the objective analysis and assessment of their own critical thinking skills. Critical thinking. evaluation of a situation requires a collection of cognitive skills. These include the ability to distinguish between relevant versus irrelevant information, think systematically, see other perspectives, recognize and avoid logical *fallacies, look beyond the obvious, be aware of and avoid biases, and change your mind in light of new evidence. "The more people believe in conspiracy theories, the worse they perform on a critical thinking ability test," Lantian said. "This test is characterized by an *open-ended format highlighting several areas of critical thinking ability in the context of argumentation." (6) All this is not to say that those with high critical thinking skills can't also be sucked into believing things that may not necessarily be true. The way (7) [is wired /a/ makes / thinking/ social species / our / as] us very vulnerable to believing those we identify with as part of our own cultural group- no matter how much education we have had that boosts science literacy. Trust plays a massive role in who we believe. We also have a tendency to believe each of us is above average at detecting misinformation, which can't possibly be true. Researchers have also linked this need to feel special to greater belief in conspiracies. Lantian and team point out that while their study suggests critical thinking lowers Deople's chances of believing in untrue conspiracy theories, the findings don't determine if (8) (9) た場合,そ 数学【数学 験番号 【化学 b てお 3 In a more (1) ① 次の英文を読んで、下の設問に答えなさい。 1 - (3) the po no a E

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英語 高校生

下線部(4)の和訳に関してです。 どうしてfindが使われていて、かつ、このような和訳になっているのかがわかりません。 また、underの対象が明記されていないのは省略でしょうか?

次の英文を読み, 下記の設問に答えなさい。 There are few things on this planet that give me greater joy than making my home the most comfortable, relaxing place possible. So, one winter a few years ago, when my fiancé had a bout of insomnia, I sprang into action, gathering all the things that held promise for a great sleep: black-out curtains, a white noise machine, and the cult favorite a weighted blanket. Weighted blankets, which cost anywhere from $100 and up, are a sleep aid usually made in a duvet style, with the many squares throughout filled with heavy beads. Lovers of the weighted blanket claim that under its weight they can relax faster, leading to a better and deeper sleep. These blankets weigh anywhere from 5 to 14 kg, and manufacturers generally recommend choosing one that's not more than 10 percent of your body weight, although this seems to be just a rule of thumb and not based on scientific study. [1] "Absolutely love it," my friend Greg Malone tells me over Facebook one day. "Rotating shifts makes [a] to sleep hard, but my girlfriend got me one as a gift, and I have found it's made a big difference in falling and staying asleep.' However, Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT)— the act of using firm but gentle pressure on the body to reduce anxiety has been practiced for centuries in various forms. In 1987, a limited study found that many college students who used DPT reported feeling less anxious after [b] full-body pressure for 15 minutes (in an adorably titled "Hug'm Machine"), although the researchers did not note any physical changes like lowered heart rate or blood pressure that would indicate the participants were more relaxed. That being said, a 2016 study found that patients who used a weighted blanket while having their wisdom teeth removed tended to have a slower heart rate than (2)patients who underwent the procedure without, which may indicate that they were more relaxed. However, many patients didn't report feeling more relaxed, and since they each only went through the procedure once, it's difficult to tell if the weighted blanket was the key to calming down. 2 Some say that simply the fact that a weighted blanket makes it more difficult to toss and turn at night makes for a better night's sleep, while others claim it has something to do with [c] the blood vessels on the surface of our skin that causes our heart rate to slow down. It also could be that the feeling reminds us of times when we felt the safest, like getting a hug from someone who cares for us or when our parents would swaddle us as newborns. 3 Similar to how many people adore the feeling of a soft blanket against their skin or can't relax without their favorite scented candle burning, others might connect with the feeling of gentle, full- body pressure. The trick is finding the sensory cue that makes you the most comfortable. "Weighted blankets have been around for a long time, especially for kids with autism or behavioral disturbances," Dr. Cristina Cusin, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, told Harvard Health. "It is one of the sensory tools commonly used in psychiatric units. Patients who are in distress may choose different types of sensory activities holding a cold object, [d] particular aromas, manipulating dough, building objects, doing arts and crafts - to try to calm down." My fiancé immediately disliked the 9-kg blanket I had picked up and said it made him feel like he was trapped. He's not alone in (3) this. "I liked it at first, but then as the night went on, I felt trapped," Heather Eickmann, a family friend, told me. "Also, I sleep on my side, and it really started to make my hip and knee joints ache." With the weighted blanket making my partner's sleep worse, I decided to give it a try myself. And (4) while I didn't find it too heavy to curl up under, the 9-kg blanket did turn making the bed into a small strength exercise. Overall, I tend to be a good sleeper, so swapping out blankets didn't make any outstanding differences to the quality of my snooze. However, later that summer, (5) ² を使ってみたら, まったく別の理由で夜中に目をさましているのに気づいた。 The blanket was HOT. [ Jones, Emma. "Can Weighted Blankets Help You Sleep Better?" Healthing 15. 11 May 2021. 出題の都合上、原文の一部に変更を加えている。】 設問 1. 下線部(1)を日本語に訳しなさい。 ただし, "one” の具体的内容を文脈に即して明らかにすること。 2. 下線部(2)の具体的内容を文脈に即して30字以内 (句読点も含む) の日本語で説明しなさい。 3. 下線部(3)の具体的内容を文脈に即して35字以内 (句読点も含む) の日本語で説明しなさい。 4. 下線部(4)を日本語に訳しなさい。 5. 下線部(5) を英語に訳しなさい。

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英語 高校生

至急、解答を教えていただきたいです!! 比較級を使った慣用表現です よろしくお願いします🙇🏻‍♀️

24. Light can travel ( 光は何よりも速く伝わる。 Practice 1 ( )内から適切なほうを選びなさい。 回 1. The older you grow, (the wiser / more wise) you become. 2. The princess became ( better and better / more and more) attractive. 3. Beth studies the hardest (in / of) us all. 4. She is one of the most successful ( designer / designers) in the world. 5. I think this question is (very / by far ) the most difficult of the five. 6. This shrine is the (three / third) oldest building in this town. Practice 2 1. Honshu is 2. Mickey Mouse is 3. Diamond is 4. No other book is 5. No other desert in the world is 6. No one in my family goes to bed 1. 1. (a) The cheetah runs ( (b) The cheetah runs faster ( 2. (a) He thinks time is ( (b) He thinks nothing is ( 3. (a) John ( (b) ( Practice 4 [ ]内の語を適切な形にして, 最上級の意味を表す英文を完成させなさい。 BC island in Japan. [big] character in the world. [famous ] Practice 3 絵に合うように、英文を完成させなさい。 C 37.87km* )( 日本 ) ( ) ( 1. Japan is ( 2. Germany is ( 3. Australia is about ( )( )( )( )( )( (35.7万km²) )( any other mineral. [hard] 絵に合うように、英文を完成させなさい。 総合 )( )( to me than the Harry Potter series. [interesting ] as the Sahara Desert. [large] than my sister. [early] Ty ) of all animals. )( ) precious thing. ) as time. ) than any other student in the class. ) in the class is as smart as John. 769.255 km² )( オーストラリア ) as Germany. ) Australia. 3 ) as large as Japan. John ) animal.

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英語 高校生


5 19 A concerted drive to reduce obesity in one Australian town resulted in a whole generation of slimmer, faster, and healthier children, researchers reported yesterday. They said that the program, a simple mixture of persuasion and (A)incentives, was astonishingly successful. It led to 2,000 children gaining less weight, watching far less television, taze (and playing more sports. The "Be Active, Eat Well" project, conducted by Deakin University in the small town of Colac, 150 km southwest of Melbourne, ended with Colac's children weighing an average of one kilogram less than the norm for Australian children of their age. Their waistlines were an ウェスト average of cm smaller - 2 cm for boys and 4 cm for girls. Professor Boyd Swinburn from Deakin University in Melbourne said yesterday that the Colac experiment had proved to be "astonishingly successful." It was the first such program in the world to report significant reductions in waistline and weight. Professor Swinburn said: "Most people would think individual weight loss of one kilogram is not much, but here we're talking about shifting the weight of a couple of thousand kids, and 15 that's actually quite (B) phenomenal. In fact, across a population, that is absolutely huge." The experiment began three years ago when the university researchers descended on Colac's population of about 10,000 people, urging parents, teachers, doctors, and local fast-food outlets to support changes for all children aged between 4 and 12. The program included opening up more after-school activity centers for children and introducing 20 brightly colored lunch packs that contained a pitta salad wrap*¹ and fruit tub2. Parents were encouraged to (c) monitor strictly the amount of time their children watched television or walk or cycle to They were asked to encourage their children spent on computers. (3) school rather than drive them. While the researchers had hoped to cut television viewing by 10 percent, the final results 25 reported children's television viewing had dropped by 21 percent and soft drink consumption by 70 percent. There was an increase of almost 70 percent in the number of children participating in after-school sports. 10 7. ★★★ 参照チェックノート p.38 414 words 56 早稲田大学 Even the town's fish and chip shop owner switched from using animal fats to sunflower oil. He reduced the saturated fats3 in chips from 49 percent to 9.1 percent. The other fast-food outlets 30 also switched from animal fats, leading to a cut in saturated fats consumed in the town of 55 kg a week. Adults then began to follow their children's example, and the local self-defense academy went from 16 members to 75. pitta satu 1 (A (

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