


英語 高校生

下線部②のitと、③のones を本文中の英語で言い換えてほしいです!!

現在過去未来の完了形 3 現在完了形 2過去完了形 3未来完了形 4 現在完了進行形 5 過去完了進行形 Reading [思・判 ・ 表 12-14 本文 米 / LQ:米 40 13 12 Read the passage and answer the questions. Mr. Kunihiko Murai is a farmer who ( 1 ) rich from hydroponic farming. When he was young, Mr. Murai thought that the traditional way of farming was not exciting at all and he was looking for a new kind of farming. He read many books, and 5 finally learned about hydroponic farming in 1966. At first, Mr. Murai made an area to put water. He didn't add any soil, because he knew that the minerals in the water could help his plants grow. So, he put one hundred tomato plants into it. They grew fast and covered a large area. They also tasted 10 delicious. From the next year, he made the area with water bigger because he wanted to try to find the best way to grow vegetables with hydroponic farming. He used a lot of water for his experiments, so some people near his farm thought he was a very bad farmer. Later, however, more and more farmers began to 15 ask him how to do hydroponic farming because they found that 2 it was a better way. Hydroponic farming is a clean way of farming. Moreover, vegetables grow faster than the 3 ones in the fields, so farmers can grow them more often and they can get more money. Now, a 20 lot of farmers are using this way of farming to grow their vegetables. Q Hints hydroponic farming [hàidrǝpánik] **** area [éǝriǝ] . taste [téist] 〜な味がする (222 words)

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英語 高校生

答え合っていますか? また空欄が分かりません!! 教えてください!!😭🙏✨✨

157 ① can Section 14 should / ought to Once you make a promise, you ( ) keep it. ② may ③ should ④ will 「……すべきだ」という 弱い義務 助言 表す助動詞は? 62 My whe Try! If you did something wrong, you ( ) for that. 「約束を守るべきだ」と いう意味にするには? ① n Try! Wh 3 ① apologize ③ should apologize ② can apologize ④ might have apologized kee ① Sec 158 ) to eat less salt and 動詞はどれか? 空所のあとのtoに注 目。to不定詞が続く <助動 過 <助 There ( 2 ) to be more parking lots in the center of the city. ④ must ① should ②ought (3) can Try! If you are worried about your health, you (4 159 walk more. ① had ② would ③ should ④ ought You (4) noisy in the library. ① not should be ③ ought to not be ② should be not ④ ought not to be Try! 小さい子どもは夜遅くまで起きているべきではない。 Small children (not / ought / stay / to / until / up) late at night. 並べかえ 「・・・すべきだ」という 〈弱い義務 助言を 表すには? 63 H ought to の否定 は? E Try!) not の位置に注意しょ う Section 15 過去の習慣・状態 19 64 1 160 My son (3 ① had to ③ used to ) like playing baseball, but now he only plays soccer. ② is used to ④ has used to Try! 1. It's really hot today! The summer in Japan ( ) ( less hot in my childhood. ) be 適語補充 T100 「(以前は).. 「だった」という(過去 の状態> を表すには? 現在はそうではないこと を表すには? Try! 2. There ( ① got 2 ) to be a restaurant around here some years ago. ② used ③ comes ④ went 165 (駒澤大) 161 My uncle ( T100 「(以前は) よく doesn't. ) drink sake a lot when he was young, but now he ① used to ② ought to ③ is going to ④ has to Try! 1. 以前、ケンはよく道に迷ったが,今はスマートフォンで行き方を見つけられる。 Ken (Used) to get lost a lot, but now he can find his way with his smartphone. 2. When I was a child, my father ( 4 ) me fairy tales. ① was used to tell ③ used to be telling ② used to be told ④ used to tell (東洋大) •••した」 という 〈過去 の習慣的動作)を表 すには? Tr 選択肢が表す意味を考 えよう

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英語 高校生

アップグレードの助動詞の問題です よければ教えていただきたいです。

2 2助動詞 標準問題 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 13, 16, 29は( )に適語を入れなさい。 ☑: 11 I'm awfully sorry, but I had no choice. I simply ( ) what I did. had to do 3 must do 12 You are too kind! You ( ) me a present. must have done ought to have done ✓ 13 didn't have to buy 3 must not buy (國學院大) hadn't to buy mustn't have bought (学習院大) ( 内に記入された文字に続けて, 単語を完成させなさい。 The horse refused to jump over the gate. = The horse (w ) not jump over the gate. (日本大) E AL 14 Linda doesn't dance much now, but I know she ( ) a lot. ①was used to ②used to ③ would A would have bleora (立命館大) 15 I never expected that she ( ) us. ①joins 2 will join 3 would join 4 join (東京家政大) ✓ 16 ジョンはいつも早起きするが,私はめったに早起きしない。 John always gets up early, but I seldom ( 17 Nancy ( ) in the office this morning, but we didn't see her there. and of juods (静岡大) O should be may not have been might have been might be (関西学院大) 18 George ( ) have said so, because he told me quite the opposite thing yesterday. I will not ②cannot 3 must A should (京都産業大) 19 It was not your fault. You ( 1 can might not have apologized on the spot then. ③ must 4 should not (京都女子大 ) I was 20 She requested that the door to her room ( 21 My father insisted I ( ) go to see Kyoto. ) left open. ②would be ③be 4 had been (同志社大) 01 eval 'nob O might 2 ought ③ should 4 would alif bluow Ieb (京都産業大) of nival xalq ☑

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