


英語 高校生


Let's try a test! ③ 51 時差ボケに苦しんでいる。 52 精神力を鍛える 53 日常生活の一面 54 この列車は9両編成です。 55 価格には税が含まれています。 56 ある問題に直面している 57 国際問題に取り組む 58 環境を破壊する (被害を与える) 59 日差しから肌を守る 60 私たちが前進するのを妨げる 61 インフルエンザのまん延を予防する 62 最近の調査によると 63 イルカは賢い (知能が高い) 動物だ。 64 断る勇気を持つ 65 大都会の主な特徴 66 AIは人間にない利点を持つ。 67 小学校に通う 68 社会の重大な変化 69 このペンは使いやすい。 70 食習慣は国によって様々だ。 71 多様な文化 "2 多くの実戦経験を持つ 3 彼の名前はみんなに知られている。 4 私はこの町をよく知っている。 電子書籍は普及しつつある。 2014 ( Iam ( build my (1 an( This train ( Taxes are ( be ( suffer ( mantal aspecto has Therude (tackle do (damage ( Plotect ( ) from jet lag. ) strength ) of daily life prevent prevent oncounten) with a problem ) an international issue ) to the (environment ) our skin from the sun ) us from moving ahead ) the spread of flu alemetary ) of nine cars. according to a recent ( Survey ) Dolphins are (in telligen f ) animals. have the (Courage ) to say no the main (characteristic) of large cities AI has (advantage ) over humans. go to ( ) school ) change in society ent ) to use. ) from country to country. alserious This pen is (conveni Eating habits (Vary ) in the price. ( diverse have a lot of (Combat His name is (known Iam(familar E-books are becoming ( cultures Let ) experience ) to everyone. ) with this town. Popular 76 77 78 7 E

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

あっているかの確認をお願いします 範囲は仮定法です

EXERCISES に,( )内の語句を適当な形に直して入れなさい. 1 文 もし彼らがここにいたら、そのニュースに増ください。 1) If they were 2) If I had more money, I might buy here, they would be surprised at the news. (be) a new tennis racket. (may buy) a computer, you could finish this job in a day. (use) Henry more often if I lived in Tokyo. (can meet) would sing it with you. (will sing) 3) If you_used could meet 4) I 5) If I knew that song, I wo に、()内の語句を適当な形に直して入れなさい. ②2 各文の 1) If I had run, I could caught had 2) If the weather 3)If you had shown her this picture, she would believed 4) If I had not studied had taken 5) If Steve the first train. (can catch) fine last Sunday, we would have gone camping. (be) yesterday, I would have failed the exam. my advice then, he might be well now. 3 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい . 1)ここにもう少し長くいられればいいのに. I wish I could 1080 more time to talk with you ⑤ 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい. 1) もし今晩忙しくなければ, あなたを手伝うことができるのに. ) ( not If I ( were )busy this evening, I 2) もしあのとき地図を持っていたら, 道に迷わなかったのに. ) ( ) ( not If we had had a map then, we (would 3)もしもっと早くこの薬を飲んでいたら、君は今ごろ元気だろうに. If you had ( be :) ( taken )( stay) here longer. 2) あのときあなたとお話しする時間がもっとあればよかったのですが. CELO I wish I had ) ( 3) 昨日そんなにたくさんお金を使わなければよかった. DEN US ) ( not I wish I had ) so much money yesterday. )( spent ④4 a.の状況に合うように, b. の( )内に適語を入れて仮定法の文を完成させなさい. 1) a. I don't have enough time, so I can't visit Kiyomizu Temple. b. If I ( was ) enough time, I ( cought visit Kiyomizu Temple. 2) a. We practiced hard, so we won the finals. ) fine now. 4) グランドキャニオンの写真を撮っておけばよかったのですが. I( wish ) I ( had )(taken could your story. (will believe) (not study) (take) § 2 b. If we (hd) practiced hard, we wouldn't (have) (won 3) a. I'm sorry I didn't buy a ticket for the concert. b. I ( wish ) I ( had ) ( bought )a ticket for the concert. →S3 Iti (3 hare in moriW then. FERE ) the finals. jol bluoda od He ) help you. ) this medicine earlier, you (would ) our way. ) pictures of the Grand Canyon.

解決済み 回答数: 1