


英語 高校生


3 3 [] [] ーロコ 2023 推薦 公募制推薦入試A・B 【適性検査】 文系学部 公募制推薦入試 A・B 文系学部 Ⅰ 次の英文の 選びなさい。 (1) This cheese is made ( a. about b. from c. one d. to b. between c. by d. of (2) Sally is very good () teaching tennis: she is one of the best coaches in the tennis school (3)( a. Economics b. Education C History d. Politics (4) English is a ( it. a. careless b. major c. partial d. regional ) is the area of study that is concerned with teaching and learning. (9) My father ( swimming instead. a. ought to b. should c. used to d. will a 内に入れるのにもっとも適当なものをa~dの中から1つ so as b so that C such as d. such that 00) Nowadays, millions of robots are used in various fields ( manufacture and the health industry b. in case goat's milk. n からできている C unless d. whether ) international language: people around the world speak 01) Daniel could not dance, but he pretended ( lessons. -1- ) play baseball when he was young. Now, he enjoys a, almost nothing b. as far as I know c. quite wrong d. what is called 12 Student A: Do you think you can use dictionaries in Ms. Benson's exam? ). I intend use this one. Student B: Yes, ( ) car -3- ) he had taken dance 推 (5) According to recent research, female elephants ( in the family. a. care b c. play d. sing (6) This airline allows their passengers ( them. a. of taking on b. take on c. taken on d. to take on 推 nurse (7) The sign says that () from here, that rock looks like a lion. a saw b. see C seeing d. seen (13) a. however b. wherever c. whichever d. whoever (8) Here are two different kinds of cake. You can choose ( want. I'll have the other. Mr. Tanaka ( a. Bye, for now. b. How do you do? c. It's been nice talking with you. d. What do you do? -21 00 A: I like Japanese culture. (15) ) two pieces of baggage with Ms. Davis: Excuse me. Are you Mr. Tanaka? I'm Annabel Davis. Nice to meet you. ) an important ) I'm glad to meet you. B:( ) I think Kabuki is wonderful. a. I am, too. b. Neither do I. c. So do L d. That's unlikely. c. one d. too Server: Would you like coffee or tea? Customer Actually, I'd like ( a both b, either ) one you ). Tea with my meal and coffee after

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英語 高校生

和訳が全くできないんです泣 同じ教科書の方教えてください🙏

Dete Lesson 7 One Team, One Courtiy Pare1 Prop Lmaginel groning up inacounty with no basic freedons. 想修す3 自由 Cavsr) 3レスト 内長する Y you drank out of the wrong water fountain, you might be amesTed by 7hem Capirteit) 逮捕する パートヘイト Growing up in Sourth Africa under apartherd meant that this and wose 384へイト Cdéit) ダイリー thngs were part of dialyn life. 日記 Caeiká:nm) アフリカーンス Cp1an) シ Crajal) リーンル Apartheid, which meansapariness, in Atritaans, wasa policy of raciol dkrimanejan] Tiagリミネーション Lmain (0)e3フリカーンス語 マイノッラィー 政策、右針 人種 discrimina tion made by the white minority govervent in (948. 少数 Cmadg5c)ati] [papjaleia マジョリティ ポらレーション The black najorty population had no freedom to (1ve トロ [pesbik] スファク They aluays hod to take apass bep with Them. or TOg0 they wanted 10. where 大多数 検金遺供 they forgot TO Carry it, the police could anest them oreven kill then. Nelcon Mondela fougnt ogainst such injustice as a leader of the のnt-oportheida move ment. 打の C prian] of thot, in1962 he was arrested and put inprison、 Beonuse Ckwう:rter] クイーター 刊り務所にCdse 刊務的 れる ー For mare Thon a guorter.ofa century, even injail 4分の1 he was o symbol of black peaples hope for Jreedom . リ務所

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英語 高校生

英作文の問題です。長崎大学の過去問だと思います。 自分の英文以外の意見を読みたいので、自由英作お願いします🙇🏻‍♀️ これについて、日本語でも大丈夫です🙌🏻

(経済·医·歯·薬 環境科学·教育(中学校教育コース文系)多文化社会学部志願者のみ) 5 図1と図2を見て,次の2つの問いに,それぞれ100語程度の英語で答えなさい。 According to Figure 1 and Figure 2, what is the recent situation of paid parental (child-care) leave in Japan? 2. Do you think that more fathers should take paid parental leave? Give at least two reasons to support your opinion. (そのて~8) 100r(%) Figure 2. Japanese workers taking paid parental leave Figure 1. Paid parental leave available to fathers Japan 90- South Korea Portugal Sweden Luxembourg 80 Women Norway Iceland 70 Austria Finland 60 Germany France Belgiurn 50 Rornania Lithuania Croatia Slovenia Spain Poland 5.0 Men Estonia Bulgaria Lalvia 2.5 Denmark 0.0 Turkey Mexico 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Hungary Chile year Australia Britain (Adapted from Parental leave among Netherlands Italy Greece Malta men reaches 'record high' of 2.65%, Canada Cyprus Czech Republic Ireland Israel Mainichi Japan, 27 July 2016) New Zealand Slovakla Switzerland United States 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (woeks) (Adapted from Japan has the best paternity leave system, but who's using it?, Nippon. com, 25 July 2019)

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