


英語 高校生

これってどうやればいいんですかー? 全然理解できなくて💦教えて欲しいです🙏🙏🙏

分詞構文 : 接続詞がなくても文脈から意味が明らかなら、消しちゃおう! ① 接続詞を消す MERDA (2) I met Tom, and I gave a pen. When Meg was young, she liked cats. 主語のうち一つを、もひとつのSと同一であることを確認して消す。 I met Tom, and I gave a pen. Meg was young, Meg liked cats. ③ 動詞を Ving に (ゼッタイに、 Vp, p. にはカエナイこと!) Being young, Meg liked cats. *接続詞は復活可 **being は省略可 ***否定文は、 Not Ving~ITA */**When young, Meg liked cats. ***Not having money, I can't buy it. Meeting Tom, I gave a pen. 分詞構文で書換えなさい ◎ 付帯状況 ~して、 /〜しながら and, while and の位置に注意! He raised his hand, and he stood up. While he was singing a song, he walked away. Owhen, before, after When I was waiting for a bus, I was spoken to by a stranger. odW 1:8 od a sari PA After she had read the letter, she began to cry. *<#RIFOCE Oas, since, because mig odj velg bloos sda :8 Because I was tired, I had a good sleep. O Though --- As he was treated badly, he was very angry. (Being) treated badly, he was very angry.cania H ·& Since she did not know what to do, she phoned the police. his a ism LA though, although I admit what you say, I still think you are 199nie adil FA Oif, when whend 助動詞にing はつきません! (3 If you cross the bridge, you will see a bus stop on the left. on zod of T:A e wrong. Ia ad A

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