


英語 高校生

こちらのプリントの回答教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

4 eehaupbsorl elstog 空欄にあてはまるものを (A)~(D) の中から選んで記号を書きましょう。 rinom soon tundA (8) 1. My first of Toronto was very positive. (A) impressed (B) impressing (C)impressive (D) impression swdua vd oo visuay 1 (5) 3. 2. The special equipment was (A) originally (B) origin (C) original (D) originality 4. The manufacturer (A) produces vaboj alriemriserter prind soinom bib vilW..t A teacher's class. Sum ob incinu vertone (A) friendship (B) friendlily (C) friendly (D) friendliness Autoledad blow approach makes new students feel comfortable in their new es new students fee (B) has produced shwob trand enirkham y 5. It is necessary that the applicant 8. Would you mind (A) open made for those who have mobility problems. mismo2( bloo out a'fariT (8) Of(0) tripim men (8) TV sets in developing countries ten years ago. (D) has been produced (C) produced (A) fill (B) filled (C) fills (D) would fill 6. Tomoko invited me to see the musical with (A) she (C) (B) heraners 10. Is there anyone (A)whom blueWF Tesy jasi cio 7. The CEO by the charity foundation to speak at their annual conference, but he had to decline the request because of a scheduling conflict. (A) asked (D) had been asking (B) was asked (C) has asked 9. The meeting will be held (A) in dar out the form before the job interview. toy bollit need cen (A) admun orong olidam ym e'evgH (8) Jeneves need even ment (2) eldabil opening prupiolansi (B) whose blow reiwi at sol no (D) herself them. the window for me? vietne.m (C) to open (D) to be opening Houp (0) (B) on (C) for (D) at nismen (0) Meason (2) gribnstalue (8) 10:30 in the conference room. is against this alternative proposal? (D) which m) boysin .GP .er Deda briced OS eldialval (A) 11. Tim is as as Linda. (A) more intelligent (B) intelligent (C) less intelligent (D) better intelligent for storage. (A) designated (B) detained (C) reciprocated (D) signified 12. According to the proposal, a large block of rooms in the east wing of the new building will be

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

こちらのプリントの回答教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

4 eehaupbsorl elstog 空欄にあてはまるものを (A)~(D) の中から選んで記号を書きましょう。 rinom soon tundA (8) 1. My first of Toronto was very positive. (A) impressed (B) impressing (C)impressive (D) impression swdua vd oo visuay 1 (5) 3. 2. The special equipment was (A) originally (B) origin (C) original (D) originality 4. The manufacturer (A) produces vaboj alriemriserter prind soinom bib vilW..t A teacher's class. Sum ob incinu vertone (A) friendship (B) friendlily (C) friendly (D) friendliness Autoledad blow approach makes new students feel comfortable in their new es new students fee (B) has produced shwob trand enirkham y 5. It is necessary that the applicant 8. Would you mind (A) open made for those who have mobility problems. mismo2( bloo out a'fariT (8) Of(0) tripim men (8) TV sets in developing countries ten years ago. (D) has been produced (C) produced (A) fill (B) filled (C) fills (D) would fill 6. Tomoko invited me to see the musical with (A) she (C) (B) heraners 10. Is there anyone (A)whom blueWF Tesy jasi cio 7. The CEO by the charity foundation to speak at their annual conference, but he had to decline the request because of a scheduling conflict. (A) asked (D) had been asking (B) was asked (C) has asked 9. The meeting will be held (A) in dar out the form before the job interview. toy bollit need cen (A) admun orong olidam ym e'evgH (8) Jeneves need even ment (2) eldabil opening prupiolansi (B) whose blow reiwi at sol no (D) herself them. the window for me? vietne.m (C) to open (D) to be opening Houp (0) (B) on (C) for (D) at nismen (0) Meason (2) gribnstalue (8) 10:30 in the conference room. is against this alternative proposal? (D) which m) boysin .GP .er Deda briced OS eldialval (A) 11. Tim is as as Linda. (A) more intelligent (B) intelligent (C) less intelligent (D) better intelligent for storage. (A) designated (B) detained (C) reciprocated (D) signified 12. According to the proposal, a large block of rooms in the east wing of the new building will be

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

このプリントの答えがわからないので、間違っているところのご指摘お願いします。 VisionQuest NewEnglish grammar47という教材です。乱雑な字で申し訳ないです。

Vision Quest Lesson 4 HO 1年 *EL 1 ( )内から適切なほうを選びなさい。 AB 1. Ann (takes) is taking) a walk in the park every morning. 2. Water (boils)/ is boiling ) at 100°℃. 番氏名 3. She (talks / is talking) on the phone now. 4. I (buy/am/buying) books on the Internet once a week. 5. Do you know the saying "Knowledge (is) was ) power"? 2 日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 AB 1. 私はいつも8時間寝る。 I (always) (sleep) for eight hours. 2. 私の父はスマートフォンを2台持っている。 (My father has). two smartphones. 3. サナは日本映画があまり好きではない。 Sana (doesn't) (like ) Japanese movies very much. 4. あなたは最近数学を一生懸命勉強していますか。 (Do >< you) (study) math so hard these days? B 3 ( )内の語句を並べかえて、英文を完成させなさい。 ただし、不要な語句が1つあります。 CD 1. (Tom/passed / passes / the exam) last week. Tom passed the exam last week. 2. (Bill/ going / went / fishing / often) with his friends when he was a child. Bill often went fishing 3. My younger sister (was/in/a / reading / reads / novel) the living room last night. was reading a novel in

未解決 回答数: 1