


英語 高校生

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10 *** 5 Dances Around the World This is a student's report about dances around the world. Section 1 Setting 生徒が世界のさまざまなダンスについてレポートしています。 How did the hula begin? There are many dances around the world. Each of them has a unique background. Here, let's look at three styles of dancing: the hula, Irish dance, breakdancing. and The first dance is the hula in Hawaii. It comes from the indigenous religion there. In ancient Hawaii, people showed their respect for gods by dancing. They also danced to pass on important values from generation to generation. That was because they had no formal writing system at the time. In other words, the hula was more than a leisure activity. In the hula, dancers use their hands to express G emotions and things in nature. The dancers believe that they can communicate various messages through 15 the hula. background [bækgrȧund] hula [hú:lǝ] ♦Irish láiriЛ] breakdancing [bréikdænsin] religion [rilidzǝn] ancient [éinfant] generation [dzènǝréifn] leisure [li:3ǝr]) TF Su Read 世 フラダンスを踊るハワイ先住民の女性 (1938年) 1. Does each of the dances have a unique background? & 2. What did people in Hawaii show by dancing? 1 2 13 .text ⚫ new words A 3. What do hula dancers believe? 8 pass on ~~を伝える 8 from generation to generation (t 10 at the time 10 writing system 書きことばのしくみ

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英語 高校生

2パラグラフ目の和訳の、 可能性が30~50%あるかもしれないというので の、ので、が英文中のどこからきたのかわかりません、、訳していく中で自然とそうなるんですかね?

テーマ 専門性★☆★ 英文レベル★★★☆ 24 ヘルシンキ宣言 英文 ①② つなぎ方 11 The ultimate ethical standard among the medical profession demands that the physician use every means possible to cure the patient's illness-but does this apply in a clinical trial, which is understood to be experimental, not treatment? In a clinical trial, tension 5 exists at the beginning between gaining knowledge that can be used in the longer term to benefit the public health, and the basic right of the patient to receive treatment. 12 For the scientific profession, the últimate standard is to produce results that withstand scrutiny. For physicians and researchers, the 'gold 10 standard' in testing new drugs is a placebo-controlled study* in which some of the patients receive no treatment at all. These standards present an ethical dilemma as drug-approval agencies tend to lean toward the Kneed for clear scientific data, which is best gained when a drug is tested against a control, or placebo. Furthermore, it becomes harder to 15 convince patients in First World countries to participate in drug trials when there may be a 30-50% chance of receiving only a sugar pill instead of a helpful medicine.

解決済み 回答数: 1