


英語 高校生

Q&Aを教えてください! よろしくお願いします(*・ω・)*_ _)ペコリ

ection 1 Setting What does Takita do in Kenya? サイの治療のようす I'm Takita Asuka, a veterinarian in Kenya. I have been working to protect African wildlife, especially elephants. In Africa, over 20,000 elephants are killed by illegal hunters every year. They want the elephants' African elephants have been in danger of G 5 ivory. extinction for many years. To take care of animals, my colleagues and I often drive on rough roads for more than 200 kilometers a day. Sometimes I even fly a light plane to look for o injured animals. I also work with rangers to protect animals from illegal hunters. I have been living in a tent in the savanna for more than ten years. People often ask me, “Aren't you scared to live near wild animals?" In fact, I sometimes hear - lions roar near my tent at night, but I'm used to it. & Takita Asuka 滝田明日香さんが、 生徒たちに講 ©Asuka Takita サバンナの上空を飛ぶ滝田さん 3 20,000 twenty thousand 9 look for ~ ~ を探す SY-TAE 4 illegal hunter # 13 be scared to 〜 〜するの journey Ide 5 be in danger veterinarian [vétərənérian African la wildlife (wal illegal ilig ©Asuka Takita colleague(s) [káli:g(z)] rough (ri kilometer(s) [kilá:mətər(z) ranger(s) [réindzər(z)] savanna (sava 1. Do illegal hunters kill elephants to get their ivory? 2. How far a day does Takita often drive to take care of animals? 3. What does she sometimes hear at night? roar [ro:] Yes, I do TFO 1 OXO 2 13 BER S Rea 滝 仁 F C

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

7の問題と、9 の⑶の問題が分かりません😭 ⑶はrealized ですか?

【1】 教科書 P.74~81 Reading “The Wizard of Oz” の後半部分を読んで設問に答えなさい。 The Wicked Witch of the West tried many things to stop Dorothy and her friends, but finally they reached the Emerald City. They met the Wizard at his palace and he promised that he would help them all. However, "You must bring me the broomstick of the Wicked Witch of the West," he said. So Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion went to get the broomstick from the Witch. (1)It was a difficult and dangerous task for them. Dorothy was captured by the Witch, but her friends rescued her, and together they were able to destroy the Witch. They all went back to Oz with the Witch's broomstick, but the Wizard said he couldn't help them. Dorothy insisted, (2) “If you were really great and powerful, you'd keep your promises." The Wizard gave Scarecrow (3) a diploma, which made him believe that he had a brain and was smart. He gave Lion (4)a medal, which made him believe that he had courage. He told Lion, “Ⅰ award you the Triple Cross." Lion said, “Oh, folks. I'm speechless. I don't know what to say!" He gave Tin Man a heart-shaped watch. (5) Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man were pleased 1 with what they had obtained. However, (6) he couldn't realize Dorothy's wish, which was to go back home. She cried and said, “Oh, I'll never get home!" Dorothy was very disappointed, but then Glinda appeared. She said to Dorothy, “Your shoes have (7) magic power. Tap your heels together three times and think to yourself: There's no place like home. Doing this will take you back home." Dorothy said to her friends, “It's going to be so hard to say goodbye. Ⅰ love you all." Then, Dorothy did as Glinda had said. The next moment, (8) Dorothy found herself back home with her family. She said, “Oh, Toto, we're home, home! And this is my room, and I'm not going to leave here ever, ever again! And ... oh, there's no place like home!" ※1 be pleased with ~ : 〜に喜ぶ 1. 次の英語を日本語に直しなさい。 (1) keep one's promise 約束を守る (3) capture ~を捕らえる (5) insist ~だと強く主張する (7) heart-shaped (9) disappointed ハート型の がっかりした (2) task (4) destroy (6) smart 仕事 ~を滅ぼす かしこい 2. 下線部 (1) が表す内容を日本語で書きなさい。 3. 下線部 (2)を日本語に訳しなさい。 あなたは本当に影響力が強くすばらしいので約束を守るでしょう。 4. 下線部(3) (4) にはそれぞれどのような効果があったか、 日本語で答えなさい。 (8) rescue 救助 (10) think ~to oneself 心の中で~と考える ドロシーが、かかし、ブリキ男、ライオンと一緒に魔女から ほうきを取ってくること。 【下線部 (3) a diploma】 【下線部 (4) "amedal 】 かかしが賢い脳をもったと信じる効果 ライオンが勇気をもったと信じる効果 5. 下線部 (5) を日本語に訳しなさい。 9. かかし、ライオン、ブリキ男は得たものに喜んだ。 6. 下線部 (6) を日本語に訳しなさい。 彼は家に帰るというドロシーの願いを実現することができなかった。 7. 下線部 (7) magic power" はどのような力か、 日本語で2つ説明しなさい。 8. 下線部 (8) を日本語に訳しなさい。 ドロシーは帰る家と家族を見つけた。 本文の内容に関する以下の質問に英語で答えな 1. Why did the Wicked Witch of the West try many things? friends To stop Dorothy and her 2. Who rescued Dorothy captured by the Wicked Witch of the West ? Her friends did. 3. Why did Dorothy cry and say "Oh, I'll never get home!" ? Because she thought her wish wasn't 10. 教科書 P.78~P.80 の内容に当てはまるものには○を、当てはまらないもの を書きなさい。 1. ドロシー達の願いを叶えるためには、西の悪い魔女から柄付きの長い箒 ってこなければならないと告げられた。 2. ドロシーは家に帰れないと思い、ひどく落ち込んだ。 3. 魔法の靴のつま先で3回地面を叩くと、 家に戻ることができた。 4. かかしやブリキ男、ライオンも一緒に家に戻ることができた。 5. ドロシーは二度と自分の家から離れないと思った。

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