


英語 高校生

英語の文法についての質問です。 一枚目と二枚目の緑の蛍光ペンを引いたところなんですが合っているかどうか確認していただきたいです。 三枚目にさんこう資料を載せてあります。 お願いします🙇‍♂️

CUTTING EDGE 1-03 英語の変遷 言語に関する面白いことの1つはそれが時とともに変化していくさまである名A (1) One interesting thing about languages is the way that they change over time. In English, everything from spelling to vocabulary 熟を経験する to ①pronunciation has ②gone through major changes over centuries. In fact, to a modern speaker, the English of 1,000 years ago is like a foreign language! 熱にさかのぼる 当時、 The history of English ③dates back around 1,500 years. (2) At ヨーロッパの複数の集団がイランドeans ④inaded England, bringing their that time, groups of Europeans 副詞M 一面に侵入する。 languages with them. These ⑤gradually developed into Old English. だんだんと. Later, in_1066, England was invaded by the Normans, from France. これによってその言語に重要な変化がもたらされ、今日我々が中英語と呼ばれる (3) This caused the language [go] through an important shift, leading to 関係詞ものになった。 続く500年以上の間、その言語は what we now call Middle English. (4)Over the next 500 years, the さらなる変化を経て最終的に近代英語へと変化した。結局は 回進化する language ⑥underwent ⑦ further shifts, ⑧eventually Devolving into ~続する 脳されんだ 英語が現在に至るまで発展する間に Modern English [evolvingの用法】 (5) As the language has developed 「接続」 多くのことが変化した down to the present day, many things about it have changed. 明白な Pronunciation is one of the most obvious areas of change. For example, in Old English, people said “hus” and “mus.” Now we say 最近では、アメリカ、イギリス、オーストラリア、そして他の地域での "house" and "mouse." (6)These days, there are also many differences 英語の発音の名Aしかたにも効くの違いがある。 in the way that English is pronounced in the USA, the UK, Australia. どこかその他の所で、 and Welsewhere. When people who speak the same language live in BE AE places separated by great 12distances, the language undergoes 13rapid changes in each place. 囲急速な Spelling has also gone thorough interesting changes. For example, in Old English, people wrote "riht." A "g" was added in Middle English, making the spelling "right." Also, in the ④4 distant 18世紀および past, people did not always follow standards of spelling. (7) In the 18th 学者のような学者たちが辞書を著し、英語のつづりをより 19世紀に(アヴェブスター and 19th centuries, scholars like Noah Webster wrote dictionaries 形一貫性のあるものにした。 FRED 貫した that made English spelling more 1⑥6 consistent. But different standards were decided on in England and the USA, so some differences remain - for example, "color" vs. “colour.”

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英語 高校生

至急お願いします!! 河合模試の部分です 分かるものだけでもいいので教えてください🙏 お願いします!

B Your English teacher gave you an article to help you prepare for the debatc jm the next class. A part of this article with one of the comments is shown below Save Abandoned Cats and Dogs 応 zzdZ ey//ey, Halifax AUGUST 12. 2019・3:23 PM Many animalrescue organizations in Canada are working together to prevent Cats and dogs from being killed in shelters。 Some shelters kil up to 30% of the animals that they take in。 These animals are usually old. sick, or dangerous to other animals in the shelter Mr. Larry Brown. the director of the Lost Dogs Animal Shelter, says that his | gOal iS to save at least 90% of all shelter animals from being kiled. We Should try to save as many animals as possible" Mr. Brown says。 "They have | he right to live and be happy, just like humans" Many people in Canada agree with Mr. Brown. A recent poll found that more than 75% of Canadians | think the government should give more money to help shelters care for | abandoned animals | | However, a dog breeder Ms Hannah Smith thinks the opposte。 Cats and | dogs that arent adopted by a new family often die in the shelter or make the | other animals sick" she says. "Some of these animals try to hurt people | They must be put to sleep. Otherwise, there will be too many animals to take | Cre of" Ms Smith also believes that eforts to save every animal would cost taxpayers too much money. | Newest Michael Brown November 21.2019・7:22 PM How could Ms. Smith be so cold? Afew exta dollers added 10 our taxes saems lke a small pice to pay 0 support our local sheleers。 Were akng about lves | here! These animals deserve our respect 0 問1 問2 問3 ⑩ @ @ 9) According to the article. many cats and dogs rescued led because | 11 shelters have to keep other kinds of animals lo save the taxpayers do not wa they are old or because they have health or behavior problems hey will die sooner or later in the shelters Im a debate, your team will support the statement. "No animals should bc killed in shelters.′ In the article. one opinion (not a fact) helpful for you teamisthat | 12 cats and dogs should be able to enjoy their lives many Canadians suggest more money be spent on saving animals ⑤@ぐ@ら@ ⑤@Wぐ@@G one-third of animals in some shelters are killed some organizations are trying to save animals' lives The other team will be on the opposite side. In the ot a fact) helpful for that team is that | 13 alot of money shouldmt be spent on shelter animals cats and dogs should be kept in separate shelters shelter animals should be adopted by families some animals are aggressive and hurt people ー13 article one opinion

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