


英語 高校生

1,2の答えが合ってるかどうかを知りたいです。 間違ってたらどのように解けば良いのかも併せてお願いします🤲

、、(間1一間3 に対する和 かでれの①-G計 mmeet Jpan is Jprewne。 and ee Trimpe 5 ー all over tme lnps nnd prawne Dame sr 1 boa As oe an ES nan the latter former are generally mller 1 う かoeording to the G 本nnee/the top Rve で 2 PH 7 orr nnd Thalsnd/wh Ye mmled ourt in2000 jnto frst place. Ipdiawnd tinyexportedaboUE Yo me が ed and prawne to Japan as Thailand ip 2007 Aspr india Xe Pom to more than 25.000 tons ia 2010Lwhile cxports from China contin Jaraasa from 2008 through 2010, which 9 perts say was de wth of demand for shrimps and praWnS there. Jeg shrimps have replaced black BE prawns as the most im Se4es (gwre 2のBoth whiteleg shrimPs and black Giger prawns ba med in several Asian co the Japanese iger DraWn However, black tiger praWns are ParJpen pubDehei 5 Tresh and frozen hi whitei family and are fam given *entibiotics at some tarms b they are Jiable to catch diseases and there 38 OTCST that these drum かave an effect on the people who eat them。 Whiteleg shrimpeonMi 10 culture and more resistant to Virusesu jand, are relatively ea5y apd nore ofthis species ia being cultured. 二村 and prawns imported from abroad are inexpenive。 several countries vast areas of mangrove trees have been lost be shrimp and prawn farmming Which contributes t0 environmental de Also, wild shrimps and prawns have been overfished in order to sup with young ones for culturing、Im addition to 1ower the cost of sh prawn farming, many laborews are f0rced to work for low wages jacrs in mind the 時還生還吉利 OWN yo 油 *antibiotics: 抗生物質 と Mrrtae -計季 whnDd oh olon 2

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