


英語 高校生


Theme 39 ) alone on the road. ② to walk 140 There was a young girl ( ① was walking ③ walking ④ walked 141 Whether there is enough food ( (群馬) ) I am not sure at this Theme 39 There be +S+ doing / done この構文の分詞は、通例, 直前のSにかかる形容詞用法のものではない。したがっ て「~している [されている] Sがある」 と訳さないこと。 Sと分詞の間に意味上 の「S+V」の関係があるので、 「S be doing [done]」と同じように考えて. 「S がしている [されている]」と訳されることが多い。 140 There be + S + doing 「Sが〜している」 girl と walk の間には「少女が歩く」という能動関係があるので、正解 ③ walking。 本間 A young girl was walking alone on the road. moment. ③ left ① leaving ② last ④ remained (上智大 ) Theme 40 1142 When we looked out of the window, we saw a car pull up at the gate. ) out of the window, we saw a car pull up at the gate. 基本 = 141 There be + S + done 「Sが~されている」 (明星大) 文法 remain 9300 food と leave の間には 「食べ物が残される」という受動関係があるので、正解 left. 本間 = Whether enough food is left I am not sure at this moment. whether 節は I am not sure の目的語に相当する語句。 それを文頭に置いて 強調している。 y (選択) remain 「残っている」 は自動詞なので. remained は不可 143 Ann. ( ) a noise, went downstairs. ① heard ② hearing (3) to hear ④ to have heard (獨協大) Theme 40 分詞構文の基本用法 144 He took his coat off and set to work. = ) his coat off, he set to work. hdslide 12 bid (東大) 分詞が接続詞と動詞の働きを兼ねて副詞句を作る形を分詞構文という。形は 「旬」 だが. 意味上は「副詞節」 に相当し、 「時・ 理由・ 付帯状況」などの意味を表す。 分 構文は接続詞が明示されないので、意味の区別がつかない場合も多い。

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


1 次の英文を日本語にしなさい。 1. The city will change its name next month. 2. I will not forget the wonderful time we spent together. 5 次の日本文 1. 彼が現 Please 2. 太陽 When 3. 明日 3. We are going to paint the walls of our living room. 4. Do you think it will be windy in the afternoon? 2 次の日本文の意味に合うように,( に適当な語を入れなさい。 Let's 4. バス Plea 1. 人々はその時間にはもう眠っているでしょう。 People ( Jett) already () (Y 2. 明日の午後、生徒たちはテストを受けているだろう。 The students ( ) ( ) ( 3. 当列車は次の駅で数分間停車いたします。 We ( ) ( ) ( 3 次の日本文の意味に合うように,( 合はそのままの形を答えなさい。 ) at that time. 6 次の日 1.彼 ) a test tomorrow afternoon. 2. 司 彼司 W顧 ) at the next station for a few minutes. )内の語句を適当な形に変えなさい。変える必要がな syobonsibling and 1. あなたのお姉さんはあの新しいマンションに住んでいると聞いています。 I(hear) your sister (live) in that new condominium. 2. 彼女は若い頃はいつも失敗ばかりしていた。 She (always make) mistakes when she was younger. 3.顧 Cu 次の日 ある。 1.時 2. ( 3. 太陽はもう西に傾きかけている。 alatb or nodolid sd) \ asw The sun (already set) in the west. 3. 1 日本文の意味になるように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。 boil may artists at \ no 1. 授賞式はメインホールで午前10時に始まる。 (starts / at / in / 10a.m./the award ceremony / the main hall). 2. 私は明日、友人の1人と買い物に行きます。 (with / going / I'm / one / of my friends/shopping) tomorrow. 3. 静かに。 彼がスピーチを始めますよ。 Be quiet. He (about / speech/is/ start / his / to). Be quiet. He 4. 私たちは今週末新居に引っ越します。 12 (1) We (are / into / moving / new / our / house) this weekend. We tomom 4. 8 次の 1. 2.

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英語 高校生

英語の長文です。 文法表現のあるところが知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

UNIT 1 5 Reading Passage 10 15 20 20 25 Listening There are more than 37,000 known species of spiders in the world in a wide variety of shape's and sizes! The largest spiders in the world live in the rain forests of South America and are known by the people who live there as the "bird-eating spiders." These spiders can grow up to 28 centimeters in length- about the size of a dinner plate, and, as their name suggests, have been known to eat small birds. In comparison, the smallest species of spider in the world is native to Western Samoa. These tiny spiders are less than half a millimeter long — about the size of a period on this page and live in plants that grow on mountain rocks. - Some people like to keep spiders as pets, particularly tarantulas, which are native to North America and can live for up to twenty-five years, Most people, on the other hand, do not like touching spiders, and a significant number of people are afraid of them, mainly because of their poison. However, despite their bad reputation, only thirty of the 37,000 known species of spiders are deadly to humans. Spiders actually provide benefits to humans, by catching and eating harmful insects such as flies and mosquitoes. - - The main thing that makes spiders different from other animals is that they spin web's to catch the small insects they feed on. The unique silk of a spider's web is produced by special organs found spider web is five times in the lower part of the spider's body. It is light, elastic, and strong stronger than steel. Additionally, it is completely biodegradable. This means that the web will making it perfect for uses completely decompose¹ and eventually return to nature over time such as making fishing nets. Some people have tried to raise spiders commercially in order to collect the silk these spiders produce, but no one has ever really managed to make a go of it. One reason why these businesses never stand a chance is because it takes 670,000 spiders to produce half a kilogram of silk, and all of these spiders need living insects for their food. In addition, spiders are usually solitary² animals, and need to be kept alone. Researchers at an American company working together with two U.S. universities may have found a solution to making artificial spider web. Using genetically modified silkworms,³ the company hopes that in the long run it will be able to make large quantities of very light, very strong fiber for medical as well as other uses. Additionally, because the manufacture of the artificial web is from living silkworms, the industry potentially would be non-polluting and less harmful to the environment

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