


英語 高校生

こちらの答えを教えてください。 全部無理ならどれか1枚でも大丈夫です👌🏻 また、こちらは文法書から満遍なく出題されてる感じでしょうか。

Ⅰ 次の 1 10 の英文の空欄に入れるのに最も適当なものを、 それぞれ下の1~4つのう ちから一つずつ選べ。 1 Look both ways before ( ) the road. <1> your cross <2> crossing I came near to ( c15 run 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 英語問題 Because of the heavy rain, ( c1 so that <2> few ) over by a car. c2 having run Professor Smith was seen ( c1 and come Shinji would answer the phone if he ( <1> be c2> were patterns. <2> came <1> What <3 being run ) students came on time. c3 in which <3 being crossed <4> cross The passengers on the plane seemed to be ( c1 memorable c2 exhausted c3> ) at home. <3 has been When I lost my debit card last week, I was ( something online. <2> Therefore ) out of his office at 3:30 p.m. has come <3 c4 might have run <4> a little c2 c4 c4 would have been <3 concerned c4 considered c1 enthusiasm <2> exciting Travelling abroad these days is a lot of hassle with all the health checks ( <1> required <2> requirement <3> requiring <4> require There has been a lot of debate ( c1 among <3 responsible for ( ) we use language, we do more than simply put words together in grammatical <4> to come ) after their long flight. established <4> damaged <3> When ) someone would use it to purchase ) historians over this question. insofar as most of ). c4 By means that

解決済み 回答数: 1