


英語 高校生

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次の英文を読んで、 問 1 ~ 問8に答えなさい。 (配点50点) Inspired by fierce family battles for the last remaining piece of cake, a team of three high schoolers in southwestern Japan's Oita *Prefecture have invented a device that cuts round cake and pizza evenly, no matter how many pieces are sliced, and their creation won the top prize in the prefecture's invention contest in 2021. The three students are members of the industrial technology club at Oita Prefectural Kunisaki High School. Their clever invention to solve a daily life problem with a flexible *2mindset won the governor's award in the competition and is gathering attention. Twelve students in the electronics department of the school ( 1 ) to the industrial technology club, which has continued to submit works to the invention contest for about 40 years. Five of their creations won prizes in the high school division of the 2021 edition of the competition that was launched in 1941. The top prize-winning device, whose name translates to "Let's kindly divide it up," was invented by second-year students Wataru Onoda, 16, Rinto Kimura, 17, and third-year student Mitsumi Zaizen, 18. It was inspired by bbattles for birthday cake in Onoda’s family. He needed to defeat his rival two sisters in games of rock-paper-scissors to get the last remaining piece because the cake was always cut into eight pieces despite his family having seven members. Based on Onoda's idea to equally divide a cake into seven pieces, Kimura created a drawing and computer program to precisely make parts for the device. While Zaizen could not be involved in the actual production due to preparations for her university entrance she created a video for the presentation, using her experience of winning a prize in the competition for two years in a row. exams, (2 ) a two-month trial and error process, the device was completed. When a cake or pizza is placed on a turntable made with a laser beam machine, it can be cut evenly into

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英語 高校生


plainly Dreaming is a universal phenomenon, though much of what we dream may be forgotten, and some few persons are able only rarely to remember their dreams on waking. The dream represents mental activity during sleep. For this reason the workings of the unconscious mind can be more p 5 seen here than anywhere else. Ordinarily the thoughts and wishes of the unconscious mind are unknown to us, though it contains the source of creative and instinctive energy. As the oldest part of the concept-forming apparatus, it makes liberal use of such primitive methods of representation as symbolism. In a very general way, the unconscious mind of present-day man may be 10 compared to the conscious mind of the caveman, and dreams often remind us of the picture writing of the caveman, where a relatively few simple pictures used as symbols told a detailed story of events. In addition, it is the function of a dream to express a wish, but since the wishes of the unconscious are often highly instinctive in nature, they would be 15 as disturbing to most modern persons as would the acts of a caveman in present-day society. Therefore, most dreams are disguised enough to conceal their true meaning from the dreamer. This is accomplished through the intervention of the conscience, a much more recently developed function of the brain. In psychoanalysis an effort to get the true meaning of the dream is 20 made by having the dreamer give all his thoughts and feelings about every element of the dream. These are then pieced together by the analyst, who uses his knowledge of the life history of the individual as a reference point. By this means, unconscious thoughts and wishes, as well as long-forgotten experiences, can be revealed so as to give the dreamer a much more complete understand- 25 ing of himself. Passage 35 Psychoanalysis ー語句と構文- 13. on waking = /17. As the oldest part of the concept-forming apparatus, it makes = それは概念を形成するための装置一式の中の一番古い部品と ・・・ 訳) / L.9. may be compared to 〜 = 〜になぞらえるこ 272 - ( CLOSE ときに目く とし 16 1027 性質を るだろ ある。 見た BO 17 わ

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