


英語 高校生

こちらのプリントの回答教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

4 eehaupbsorl elstog 空欄にあてはまるものを (A)~(D) の中から選んで記号を書きましょう。 rinom soon tundA (8) 1. My first of Toronto was very positive. (A) impressed (B) impressing (C)impressive (D) impression swdua vd oo visuay 1 (5) 3. 2. The special equipment was (A) originally (B) origin (C) original (D) originality 4. The manufacturer (A) produces vaboj alriemriserter prind soinom bib vilW..t A teacher's class. Sum ob incinu vertone (A) friendship (B) friendlily (C) friendly (D) friendliness Autoledad blow approach makes new students feel comfortable in their new es new students fee (B) has produced shwob trand enirkham y 5. It is necessary that the applicant 8. Would you mind (A) open made for those who have mobility problems. mismo2( bloo out a'fariT (8) Of(0) tripim men (8) TV sets in developing countries ten years ago. (D) has been produced (C) produced (A) fill (B) filled (C) fills (D) would fill 6. Tomoko invited me to see the musical with (A) she (C) (B) heraners 10. Is there anyone (A)whom blueWF Tesy jasi cio 7. The CEO by the charity foundation to speak at their annual conference, but he had to decline the request because of a scheduling conflict. (A) asked (D) had been asking (B) was asked (C) has asked 9. The meeting will be held (A) in dar out the form before the job interview. toy bollit need cen (A) admun orong olidam ym e'evgH (8) Jeneves need even ment (2) eldabil opening prupiolansi (B) whose blow reiwi at sol no (D) herself them. the window for me? vietne.m (C) to open (D) to be opening Houp (0) (B) on (C) for (D) at nismen (0) Meason (2) gribnstalue (8) 10:30 in the conference room. is against this alternative proposal? (D) which m) boysin .GP .er Deda briced OS eldialval (A) 11. Tim is as as Linda. (A) more intelligent (B) intelligent (C) less intelligent (D) better intelligent for storage. (A) designated (B) detained (C) reciprocated (D) signified 12. According to the proposal, a large block of rooms in the east wing of the new building will be

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

こちらのプリントの回答教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

4 eehaupbsorl elstog 空欄にあてはまるものを (A)~(D) の中から選んで記号を書きましょう。 rinom soon tundA (8) 1. My first of Toronto was very positive. (A) impressed (B) impressing (C)impressive (D) impression swdua vd oo visuay 1 (5) 3. 2. The special equipment was (A) originally (B) origin (C) original (D) originality 4. The manufacturer (A) produces vaboj alriemriserter prind soinom bib vilW..t A teacher's class. Sum ob incinu vertone (A) friendship (B) friendlily (C) friendly (D) friendliness Autoledad blow approach makes new students feel comfortable in their new es new students fee (B) has produced shwob trand enirkham y 5. It is necessary that the applicant 8. Would you mind (A) open made for those who have mobility problems. mismo2( bloo out a'fariT (8) Of(0) tripim men (8) TV sets in developing countries ten years ago. (D) has been produced (C) produced (A) fill (B) filled (C) fills (D) would fill 6. Tomoko invited me to see the musical with (A) she (C) (B) heraners 10. Is there anyone (A)whom blueWF Tesy jasi cio 7. The CEO by the charity foundation to speak at their annual conference, but he had to decline the request because of a scheduling conflict. (A) asked (D) had been asking (B) was asked (C) has asked 9. The meeting will be held (A) in dar out the form before the job interview. toy bollit need cen (A) admun orong olidam ym e'evgH (8) Jeneves need even ment (2) eldabil opening prupiolansi (B) whose blow reiwi at sol no (D) herself them. the window for me? vietne.m (C) to open (D) to be opening Houp (0) (B) on (C) for (D) at nismen (0) Meason (2) gribnstalue (8) 10:30 in the conference room. is against this alternative proposal? (D) which m) boysin .GP .er Deda briced OS eldialval (A) 11. Tim is as as Linda. (A) more intelligent (B) intelligent (C) less intelligent (D) better intelligent for storage. (A) designated (B) detained (C) reciprocated (D) signified 12. According to the proposal, a large block of rooms in the east wing of the new building will be

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英語 高校生

be standard exercise Lesson7〜9まで、回答を教えて頂きたいです 7.8は私が書き込んでしまっています、すみません

S J そうに違いない そのはずだ Allow:ybnA Should と同じ意味] そういうこともある そうかもしれない ation. んそうだろう かもしれない に違いない ―のはず Exercises (1) 日本語の意味に合うように、( )に適語を入れなさい。 1. 私は夢を見ているに違いない! 1 (mast) be dreaming! 2.テストは3時には終わるはずだ。 The test (should) be over at three o'clock. 3. 彼らは図書館にはいないはずだ。 They (should be in the library. (2) ( )に入れるのに適切なものを, [ ]内から選びなさい。 1. It's cloudy. It (may) rain in the afternoon. 2.It (can) be cold here even in summer. 3. He (can't) be at school now. It's ten p.m. He must be at home. [can/ can't / may] (3) 日本語の意味に合うように( )に適語を入れなさい。 1. 彼は今, 20代の半ばでしょう。 He (would) be in his mid-twenties now. 2. 彼に聞いてごらん。彼はきっと真実を知っているよ。 Ask him. He (will) know the truth. (4)[ ]に示した意味に合うように, 下線部を埋めて英文を完成させなさい。 1. I may have leff my umbrella on the train. [置き忘れたかもしれない] My sister should have won the game. [勝ったはずだ] 3. Something bad musthave to him. [起こったに違いない] 4. She can't have my birthday. [忘れたはずがない] (5)内の語句を使って、 日本語の意味に合う英文をつくりなさい。 お父さんは僕のことを怒っているに違いない。 [ be angry with ] My father must be angry with me. 2. 彼女は私の話を信じていないかもしれない。 [believe my story ] She may not be beliere my story. 3. それがおそらく最もよい解決策でしょう。 [would / the best solution ] Thas would bethe best solution. 4. だれかが警察に電話をしたはずだ。 [ someone / the police] Some one shold have called the police. A Conversation A: It's strange. (2) should be here now. B: Hmm. He [She] may have gone to the wrong place. B Lesson 7 空所に友人の名前を入れ, 下線部をその人のことに言い換えて、会話しましょう。

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英語 高校生


D D D 字にしなさい)。 を参考に、以下の語句を使って1~10のセンテンスを完成させなさい (文頭は大文 everyone herself its them everything him one we he his our you her ours yourself hers their 例 The financial year ends in March, so (everyone)must must work hard. 会計年度は3月で終わるので誰もが一生懸命に働かなければならない。 1. Gap was established as a small store in 1968. Now ( global company. ギャップは1968年に小売店として開店した。今ではグローバル企業である。 2.( ) dream of becoming entrepreneurs has finally come true. 彼らの企業家になる夢がやっと実現した。 ), but another company will ) is a 3. The design for the product is ( manufacture ( ). その製品のデザインはうちのものであるが、 製造は他社がすることになる。 4. After the 1990s many Japanese banks merged, and many of ( have become mega-banks. 1990年代以後、 日本の銀行は合併し、 そしてそれらの多くはメガバンクになった。 5. The tomer went to talk to the company's sales manager (old) about return policy. その消費者は返品の方針についてじかに販売部長に話しに行った。 6. ( ) company is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Fifty-one percent of the stock is ( 彼女の会社は東京証券市場に上場している。51パーセントの株は彼女のものである。 7. The president wants to control ( ). Now most decision making is done by ( ). 社長は何でも支配したい。こうなると、ほとんどの意思決定は彼によってなされる。 8. The senior manager was transferred to a local branch in Okinawa. ) has to live away from ( ( ) family now. 次長は沖縄の支店に異動になった。 彼は今では家族と離れて暮らさなければならな 9. To be a good businessperson, ( ). よいビジネスマンになるには自分のことを信じなければならない。 ) have to believe in 7

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英語 高校生


Grammar Practice 例を参考に、以下の語句を使って1~10のセンテンスを完成させなさい (文頭は大文 字にしなさい)。 everyone herself its them everything him one we he his our you her it ours and yourself 3. The design for the product is (0) manufacture ( hers it their 例 The financial year ends in March, so (everyone) must work hard. 会計年度は3月で終わるので誰もが一生懸命に働かなければならない。 1. Gap was established as a small store in 1968. Now ( global company. ギャップは1968年に小売店として開店した。 今ではグローバル企業である。 2. (hamnar dini aradusi b) dream of becoming entrepreneurs has finally come true. 彼らの企業家になる夢がやっと実現した。 ), but another company will ). ‚2'blnmo¤¤M Yoman a'inemERSI その製品のデザインはうちのものであるが、 製造は他社がすることになる。 4. After the 1990s many Japanese banks merged, and many of( have become mega-banks. mo) is a 1990年代以後、日本の銀行は合併し、そしてそれらの多くはメガバンクになった。 5. The customer went to talk to the company's sales manager (dowl aft S) about ( ) return policy. その消費者は返品の方針についてじかに販売部長に話しに行った。 6. ( olci ) company is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Fifty-one percent of the stock is ( ). 彼女の会社は東京証券市場に上場している。 51パーセントの株は彼女のものである。 7. The president wants to control ( ). Now most decision making is done by ( 社長は何でも支配したい。 こうなると、ほとんどの意思決定は彼によってなされる。 8. The senior manager was transferred to a local branch in Okinawa. ( ) has to live away from (insinqiupa) family now. 次長は沖縄の支店に異動になった。 彼は今では家族と離れて暮らさなければならな い。 9. To be a good businessperson, ( ). よいビジネスマンになるには自分のことを信じなければならない。 |||| ) have to believe in 7

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英語 高校生


-EXERCISES A Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. (1) I liked life in Osaka best (I / lived / had / there / for / though) only two years. (2) ( even / you / join / if / the volunteer / do not) club, you can still help in the community. 4372 harde o taborn you de 300 bri (3) (what / matter / we / reason / have / no), we must not start a war. (4) Peter will not take any time off ( of / spite / order / in / his doctor's ). (5) ( of / freedom / is / speech / though / even) the basis of democracy, few people understand what it means. (6)( not / whether / or / computers / like / we ), we cannot imagine life without them. une lis 10 1390.in B Fill in the blanks to complete the dialogs. (1) Satoshi: You've lived in Japan for three years. Have you ever been to Kyoto? Olivia: Yes, of course. I always find something new N 京都でどこを訪れても (2) George: Takeshi seems to have overslept and missed the nine o'clock train! Mika: Oh, no! He won't be on time for the ceremony たとえ飛行機で来ても (3) Kate: Is that man your tennis coach? Fred: Yes. He will be seventy next month, but he is still active He jogs five kilometers every morning. Let's Try ! ALLA sd Illw #2910x3 C Express the following in English. (1)たとえ政治に興味がなくても、選挙権をもつ人は投票しなければならない. (2) 結婚で仕事を辞める女性もいるが,最近ではより多くの女性が定年まで仕事を続ける . _________: 彼の年齢にもかかわらず InT [retirement age ] (3)優先座席であろうとなかろうと,いつも自分の席をお年寄りに譲っている.〔priority seat〕 (4)ユニバーサルデザインの普及にもかかわらず,障がいのある人々が街を動き回るのはいまだに 困難だ.〔universal design, disabled people〕 (5)日本は高齢化が急速に進んでいるにもかかわらず,老人ホームの数が十分ではない。 [nursing home]

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