


英語 高校生


1517 079 Noah apologized (2) for losing his temper. 12. M①Ann build to Annas Ann building at Ann 080 We (1) the issue of gun control for three hours. 13. W①discussed of 3 discussed on (大学) 2 discussed about ④discussed 081 082 083 The dog () sleeping peacefully on the sofa. DOlie d@lyingoaib▸ ③laid He has decided () the company.jetblá ①having joined joining to buy buying +lay 3 to join 4 to have joined bought Would you be so kind as to give me something to drink? 16. D= Would (0) something to drink? ①you mind give me eaving to call (3 you mind of giving me aial you mind to give me up & as of you mind giving me 17. If you questiout this evening.@emember Please don't forget (2) a carton of milk on your way home. 084 to buy AFAR buy bobi and to buy 10. I rambling) your fly for whenhofon 04 buying Something is wrong with the refrigerator. I am afraid it needs (). to repair being repaired TO you () belist qode inget 085 ①repaired 大工画書泉 ②repairing 18 She regrets (10) such idthing to him me of 086 These photos (remind the days/I/me/ spent / of) with Grace. Please contact me immediately if something ( )) wrong. as a 087 need ( ①does ②gives quos bluow ③ goes ④makes buys 088 The doctor suggested to my father that he ( 3 ) up smoking. 1 of undry th ①give 2 to give 3 gives ban has give or sd of▸ anied lo Baisd She really loved it. randmother Victoria and William got () in Florida two years ago. 089 @marry 2marries ③married marriage

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英語 高校生

丸がついている番号のところがわかりません 分かる方解説お願いします🙏

15. You (didn't have better / had not better/ had better nor / had better not to ) attend the あなたはその会議に出席しない方が良い。 meeting. 18 16. I think you (can/should/ ougbt/must) not to take a walk at this hour alone. kyou( 私はあなたが1人でこの時間に散歩すべきではないと思う。 17. I will make him go there. He ( 行かせる must ) go there. 彼はそこに行かなければならな 18. We should )( have ( come. ) home earlier. 19. That watch of yours ( (私たちはもっと早く家に帰って来るべきでした。) must (その時計は高かったでしょうね。) )( have ( been) very expensive. (20. He suggested that we ( ) play baseball. 21. I am sure that he rode the bicycle. = He ( must ( have ( ridden ) the bicycle. 彼は自転車に乗ったに違いない。 22.I ( would ) often take her for her sister. 私に彼女を彼女の妹だと思いこんでいた。 gra 23. There ( used ( to )be a railway service as far as the hot spring. (昔はその温泉まで鉄道の便があった。) /24. You may get up late tomorrow morning. =You ( can ( 25. The news cannot be true. = The news ( 26. It is better for you not to smoken so much. あり =You ( had )( better)( 27. I had a habit of taking a hot shower in the morning. =I would ) take a hot shower in the morning 28. You shall have à short lesson today. ( ) get up late tomorrow morning. must (.. be ) false. そのニュースは間違いに違いない。 まちがい hot あなたはたばこをあまり吸わない方が ) smoke so much. よい 私は朝にシャワーを浴びたものだった。 私はあるだけ短いレッスンを受けさ たもたったい。 =I( will ( give " 29. The mother may ( well It is no wonder that the mother( 不思議でない you ) a short lesson today. かしこい )be proud of her bright son. 30. A: He has not come yet. (Won't / Shall/Will) I telephone him? B: No, you will / do / need) not. I'm afraid he (may/shall/ has) not come today, because h was absent from school yesterday. He (must/ need/shall) be in bed now. )( fake) pride in her bright son.

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