


英語 高校生


Exe 95ugnsj )の中に当てはまる最も適切な語句を下の①~④から選んで、 文全体を言ってみよう。 1) I might own pets if I ( ) a lot. ① do not travel ② did not travel ③ am not traveling ④ might not travel 2) If we had arrived earlier, we ( ① could take ② have taken 3)I wishI( ① listen 仮定法過去完了と ) the 10a.m.train art ③ could have taken ④ are taking ) more carefully to the instructions. ② am listening ③ listening ④ had listened )の語句を使って、イラストを表す文を言ってみよう。 なお、必要に 2応じて単語の形を変えること。 例 (1, have more time, I, can, finish the report) • If I had had more time, I could have finished the report. 1) (I, not, be abroad, 1, can, visit you) 2) (you, study harder, you, won't, get such a bad score) 3) (I wish, 1, have, a camera, then) 8 例 1) 2) 3) whore 3 ( )の語句を使って、 日本語の意味を表す文を言ってみよう。 なお、必要に応じて単語の 形を変えること。 例もしあなたが映画スターであれば、大きな家を買いますか? (If, you, a movie star) →>>> → If you were a movie star, would you buy a big house? 1) もし私が朝食を食べていたら、今はお腹が空いていないだろう。 (If, I, eat, breakfast, hungry, now) araA seob ugsugne) tari 2) あなたと一緒にスペインに旅行できるとよいのに。 (be able to, travel to Spain, with you) 学んだ仮定法を使って、自分の身近なことについて言い、もう一文自由に付け加えよう。また言っ 4 たことを書いてみよう。 . gaiyoe If I were you, I would study harder. You can do better. If my father had not broken his leg, he would have gone hiking with . If i us. I feel sorry for him. 111

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英語 高校生

高校三年生の論理表現の前置詞についての問題です。 解答を教えていただきたいです。

A 基本的な前置詞 ① of 〈所属部分〉 のイメージ At last we reached the top of the mountain. (ついに私たちは山の頂上に到達した) She is a person of importance in the political world. (彼女は政界の重要人物だ) * of importance = important ②with 〈同伴〉のイメージ ・Who is that girl walking with Tom? (トムと一緒に歩いているあの女の子はだれですか ) That man with gray hair is Dan's father. of : 一部 of : 性質 ・特徴 with : 同伴「~と一緒に」 with : 所有・付属 「~を持った, 〜の付いた」| あの白髪の男性はダンのお父さんだ) *反意語は without (~を持たないで, 〜なしで) ・I should have brought an umbrella with me. with : 携帯 「~の手元にあって、~を身につけて (傘を持ってくるべきだった) We must handle these old books with (great) care. (私たちはこれらの古い本を (非常に)慎重に扱わなくてはいけない) ・I wash my hands with soap as soon as I get home. (私は家に帰るとすぐに石けんで手を洗う) ③through 通り抜ける〉 イメージ . Our train passed through a long tunnel. (私たちの乗った列車は長いトンネルを通り抜けた) Alice wants to travel through Japan. (アリスは日本中をあちこち旅行したがっている) 時間についても同様の用法がある。 ・ I was able to sleep soundly through the night. (一晩中ぐっすり眠ることができた) EXERCISES 1 with :「(様子・状態)でもって」 * with care carefully ( )に of, with, without, through のいずれかを入れなさい。 (1) Alex traveled (4 (2) No animal could live ( (3) Afriend ( . with : 手段 ・ 道具「~を使って」 through: 「~を通り抜けて」 through: 「~のいたるところを」 ←端から端までずっと through: 「〜の間ずっと」 ←始めから終わりまで ) Shikoku. 3 ) water. ) mine told me that Ms. Davis would get married. うわさ てんこう (4) The rumor about Lisa's transfer to another school spread quickly ( (5) Your advice was ( (6) Don't you have any money ) great use. Thank you very much. (7) A large herd of deer were running ( (8) Ellen solved a problem in physics (9) Please fill in the blanks ( (10) She is said to live in a big house ( )you? ) the forest. ease. ) a pen. ) a pool. 52 52 ) her class.

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英語 高校生

写真 2枚目の3パラグラフ目の棒線部についてです。 和訳と照らし合わせたところ、 吐く  というのが cought upの意味だと思い、調べてみましたが、出ませんでした 。そのような意味はcought upにあるんでしょうか?

erlode aids (0 英文を読み、下記の問いに答えなさい。 For most prey, ( 14 ) is over once they've been swallowed. But one species of beetle can escape from a toad's stomach nearly two hours after being eaten, according to a new study. Found in wooded areas on nearly every continent, bombardier beetles - a group that consists of more than 500 species - get their name from their signature defense mechanism: When threatened, they shoot a hot chemical spray from their rear end. In Japan, the insects have long been known as "the farting bug." Toads have been observed vomiting bombardier beetles after eating them, but no one knew exactly why, or ( 15 ) the beetles survived after their brush with digestion. あわや? bine To better understand the beetle's defenses, two biologists from Kobe University fed a species of bombardier beetle to two different species of toad collected from forests in central Japan. One toad species shared its natural habitat with that particular species of beetle, while the other was unlikely to encounter it in the wild. (16) After the beetles were swallowed, a small explosion could be heard inside each toad, indicating that the insects were firing their defenses. Overall, 43 percent of the toads vomited the beetles, taking anywhere

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英語 高校生


木版画 鋳造 第3問 以下の文は、 S. Strandh の “Machines, an illustrated history" からの抜粋で ある。 次の文を読んで、設問に解答せよ。 (ア) The tools of precision mechanics were, without doubt, the technical pre conditions for making wood cuts and for the development of printing. The oldest dated wood engraving is from 1418. It shows fine lines throughout 細部 and a richness of detal, which imply that the tools used, the knives, burins, and so on, must have been eminently suitable At this time, it was only the precision mechanics of clock making which could achieve the technique required for such tools. 精密機械技術 (イ) A (woodcut was produced by transferring a drawing, reversed from left to right, onto a carefully surface-ground "block" of wood, after which the surface wood on either side of each line in the drawing was cut away with a burin of forged steel. The remaining wood on all 'surfaces which were to be white in the drawing were then cut away with gravers and gouges, so that the lines of the drawing became raised. They were then inked and pressed against paper. これは 理由では ないから、 (~のときに、何 が原因か は不明) The woodcut method spread rapidly in the late Middle Ages when pictures were rarity. At first, skilful craftsmen made the woodcuts, but before long, eminent artists were themselves cutting their own drawings in wood. One of the first was the German Albrecht Duerer (1479-1528) who, in 1498, published the famous pictorial series of the Revelation of St. John. Graphics had become an independent art form-based on the progress of precision 酒の mechanics! 可動式の The 1440s saw the first book printed with movable die-cast type. (The letter press printing method used by Johann Gutenberg (1399?-1468) was basically the same as the one used for printing woodcuts, but Gutenberg used cast, movable type instead of cut blocks. The production of dies for the type was made possible by the tools of precision mechanics, too. It does not detract from Gutenberg's contribution that printing with movable type has been practised in the Far East, or more specifically Korea, two thousand years prior to this. Several of the techniques described here, which developed so quickly during the technical revolution of the Renaissance, had had predecessors in other parts of the world. ' 金楼 にねじ を刻む 道具 ~をなら K あったもの

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