


英語 高校生

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B Your English teacher gave you an article to help you prepare for the debate in the next class. A part of this article with one of the comments jS shown below. Save Abandoned Cats and Dogs py 77の7 ez77ey, Halifax AUGUST 12, 2019・3:23 PM Many animalrescue organizations in Canada are working together to prevent | CatS and dogs from being killed in shelters.。 Some shelters kil up to 30% of | the animals that they take in. These animals are usually old. sick. or | dangerous to other animals in the Shelter. | Mr. Larry Brown, the director of the Lost Dogs Animal Shelter, says that his | goal iS to save at least 90% of al shelter animals from being killed. “We | should try to save as many animals as possible." Mr. Brown says. "They have | the right to live and be happy, just like humans." Many people in Canada | agree with Mr.Brown. A recent poll found that more than 75% of Canadians | think the goVernment should give more money to help shelters care for | abandoned animals. | However, a dog breeder, Ms. Hannah Smith, thinks the Opposite. “Cats and | dogs that arent adopted by a new family often die in the shelter or make the other animals sick" she says. “Some of these animals try to hurt people. They must be put to sleep. Otherwise, there wil be too many animals to take | care ot" Ms. Smith also believes that efforts to save eVery animal would cost | psyem too much money. 2さるペンペンーーンビービン | Newest | | Michael Brown November 21, 2019・7:22 PM | How could Ms. Smith be so cold? A few extra dollars added to our taxes seems | like a small price to pay to support our local shelters. Were talking about lives | | here! These animals deserve our respect いいへヘスへヘヘハハヘヘヘヘハハヘヘヘスヘスヘヘへヘヘヘスヘヘスススムムン ペペシンーーニーンー ンーンー ー- 2 王 問 1 killed because | 11 間2 問3 According to the article,。 many cats and dogs rescued by shelters are ⑩ shelters have to keep other kinds of animals ⑳@ taxpayers do not want to save them @⑧ they are old or because they have health or behavior problems ⑳ they wi die sooner or later in the shelters In a debate, your team wi山 support the statement. “No animals should be killed in shelters.” In the article, one opinion (not a fact) helpful for your teamis that | 12 cats and dogs should be able to enjoy their lives many Canadians suggest more money be spent on saving animals one-third of animals in some shelters are killed ⑤@ぐ @⑤ some organizations are trying to save animals' lives The other team wil be on the opposite side. In the article. one opinion not a fact) helpful for that team is that 13 a lot of money shouldnrt be Spent on shelter animals cats and dogs should be kept in separate shelters shelter animals should be adopted by families ⑤@⑳@ぐの@ら6 some animals are aggressive and hurt Deople 9 Mc | (II や riieeeem…、 ーー ーー

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