


英語 高校生

mainstreamⅢ chapter18 章末問題 解答教えてください!

6 Chapter 18 Comprehension a. On the basis of Gurdon's research, Yamanaka revealed that specialized cells from a mature Choose the appropriate answer. body can be transformed into iPS cells. frog. b. Gurdon placed cells from the skin of mice into an unfertilized egg cell of a c. Yamanaka took cells from the blood of mice and transformed them into a baby. d. The only difference between Gurdon's and Yamanaka's experiments was what cells they used. e. Organ rejection will no longer be a problem because it has become possible to develop organs from the patients' own cells. f. iPS cells will soon make it possible to cure all types of diseases. g. Yamanaka admits that iPS technology has done harm in some cases. h. Even as a scientist Professor Yamanaka believed that his mother saw his father's ghost. i. Professor Yamanaka has never thought of giving up research. found iPS ce j. What Professor Yamanaka wanted to say in the speech was what seems unfortunate at first may turn out to be fortunate in the end. not e mes B Choose the most appropriate main theme. a. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize because they helped each other for 40 years to create iPS cells. Chapter 18 | Minis SO 15 b. We should be careful about new technology because it takes time to put it into use and it can do harm. 24 c. Professor Yamanaka has experienced challenges in his life but they were also opportunities, one of which led to the Nobel Prize.

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英語 高校生

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日本語に合うように,( (1) カナダにいたとき,毎日が楽しかった。 I( )myself every day when I was in Canada. (2) 私のおじは京都大学を卒業した。 )に適語を入れなさい。 A )from Kyoto University. My uncle ( (3)私の姉はちょうど1年前に結婚した。 My sister( ) married just a year ago. 2日本語に合うように, 英文を完成させなさい。 (1) 私は子どものころ、パイオリンを弾いていた。 AB When I was a child, I (2) 車内には人はいなかったが、 エンジンはかかっていた。(run を使って) The car was empty, but (3) 昨夜、会議でなぜあんなに怒ったのですか。 What at the meeting last night? (4) テレビはついていたが, だれもそれを見ていなかった。 The TV was on, but 3与えられた状況に合うように ( 句が1つずつ含まれています。 (1)状況友人からの電話に出られませんでした。なぜなら…。 (was / bath / I/a/taking / took) when you called me. )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。ただし, 不要な語 B 状況 戦後の復興期に日本がどう変化していたかという話をしている。 Japan(the recession / recovers / recovering / was / from ) year by year. (3)状況 昨夜 10時ごろに彼女が私に電話をかけてくれたが, 私は気づかなかった。すると彼女 は以下のようにたずねた。 What ( you / around / were / last / doing / done/ night /10:00 )? (4)状況昨夜ケイトは誕生日だったので, いつもは着ない服装でした。 Kate (and white / wearing / dress / worn / was / a blue) high heels last night. ]内の語句を参考にして, ~, …に自由に語句を入れ,オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。 AB (1)私は昨日の~(朝食·昼食·タ食) に…を食べた。[eat / for ] (2)私は昨日,一日中~していた。[was/ all day ]

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