


英語 高校生

和訳をしたのですが合ってるか確認して欲しいです! あと最後の紫で色をつけた文の和訳がどうしても出来なかったので教えてください😥😥 お願いします🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

proposed that UNESCO register the v 字する 速読目標時間 (wpm:100w/m) 制限時間 1回目 2回目 ワード数 2分17秒 Unit 3 20分 分 秒 分 229 DATAI (解答·解説: 別冊 pp.12-15) TR11-13 (50pts.) Read the text and answer the questions below. In 2012, the Japanese government proposed that UNESCO register the country's m 01 2 food culture. The proposal was accepted at a meeting of "the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee in December 2013, and “washoku" - Japanese *cuisine 05 also includes kabuki, noh and bunraku. An official said that the "panel valued Japanese traditional was added to UNESCO's "Intangible Cultural Heritage list, which people's spiritual tradition of respecting nature associated with washoku. Japan faces a low "food self-sufficiency rate and the spread of Western eating az habits. Social and economic structures are continually changing, and food products from around the world are widely available now. That is why many people are Concerned about whether communities can continue to pass down Japanese food 10 traditions. The government hopes , the heritage listing will help younger generations recognize the value of such traditions. It is also expected that washoku will gain global recognition, attract more foreign aE tourists and increase exports of Japan's agricultural products. The Fukushima nuclear 15 disaster in 2011 caused concerns over the safety of the country's food products. The government is hoping that registration of washoku by UNESCO will help ease them. A chef expressed hope that more efforts will be made to promote Japanese foods. He is confident that more and more people in other countries will become fond of Japanese food, which tastes good and looks beautiful, to say nothing of its health 20 benefits. Uー

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英語 高校生


EXERCISES 290ngina2 To 21b9[d pnibiae A Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. (1) 増水時にこの川で泳ぐのは危険だ. be able to access thndant It is dangerous ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) this river when it has risen. (2) 君が彼の忠告を無視したのは愚かだった。 201 SW6SAN5)ni )( ) to ignore his advice. tadiu on fme me uo bni 31 It was( (3) ドアを閉めてもよろしいですか.mber Would you mind( ) the door? (4)彼は遅くなりすぎて最終電車に間に合わなかった。 moge/ It was too late( bremmLawS veR aldshglg 6ap1. ) the last train. B Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. (1)( language / foreign / requires / a / mastering ) a lot of time and energy. (2)(to / expect / little sons / my / I ) be considerate in the future. 9(3) The students( being / of / exams / my / complained ) too difficult. (4)(hard / it / Lucy / was / to / for ) make sense of his story. onids月 He wants to make( cookware / to / children / use / for ) easily. he aw C Express the following in English and complete the sentences. (1)このマニュアルは娘が読むのに十分簡単だ. This manual is simple enough 2A ctabl 190 mlasD wens Sn91ai T (2) その計画を今あきらめることは大きな間違いだ。 would be a big mistake. エキは母親が彼女の服装についてとやかく言うのが好きではない。TM T30AAT 9go Yuki does not olrla things about her clothes. (4)定期的に運動することが健康を維持する有効な方法だ。 to maintain your health. なる xliess D Express the following in English. 地球環境が危機にさらされているのは明白な事実だ.(global environment) alll.e (2)野鳥の写真を撮ることが私の趣味の1つだ。 (3) 彼にさよならを言わないなんてあなたは失礼だった.[rude] (4) 1日でその都市の名所をすべて見て回ることは不可能だ. [the sights) abnimon aidT .A d aA

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英語 高校生


[5 次の(①ー(@)の日本文の意味を表す英文になるように, 下の語句を並べかえて空所を補うとき, 2番目と 4番目にくるものを, それぞれ下の①て⑥から一つずつ選び: 番号で答えなさい。た だし, 冒頭にくる語や小文字で示されている。 1) 彼女は歌手というよりも, むしろ女優である。 She is 29 30 ① as ⑨ much ③ an actress ④ asinger ⑤ notso (⑫) 私の姉は決して間食しないことにしている。 My sister 31 32 between meals. ① arule の@⑨⑳@ ⑧③ toeat ④ makes ⑥ never (3) 彼女はその男の子が遊び場で 1人になっているのを見つけると, その子に歩み寄って話しかけ の When she 33 34 the playground, she walked up to him and talked to him. ① theboy ②⑳@ on ③ alone ③④ found ⑤ left (④⑳ あなたが気に入った絵を描いた画家は私の友人です。 35 36 js a friend of mine. ① jiked ② paintings ③ whose ④ the artist ⑤ you ⑤) 和牛肉の安全性に対する疑いが, 日本中に広まっている。 There are 37 38 throughout Japan. ① of ② the safety ⑧③ beef ④ spreading ⑤ doubts about (6) 天気が良かろうと良くなかろうと, 明日は外出して買い物を楽しも う。 39 40 , 1 will go out and enjoy shopping tomorrow. ① gneor @ ij ⑧ whether ④ -theweather ⑤ not

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