


英語 高校生

どうなのか分からないので全部教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️ 至急でお願いします🙏🙏

1 各文の( )内の語句を使って,動詞を過去完了形にして文を完成させなさい. (1) When I woke up, the sun (2) I 4 (already rise) (3) She sick for a week when you called me. a panda until she went to the zoo. (be) (never see) *(4) I waited outside the room because I the key. (lose) 5 2 各文の( )内の動詞を過去完了進行形にして文を完成させなさい. (1) My brother from school. (2) Sam felt hungry because he (3) I TV for two hours when I returned ★3 各文の( )内の動詞を未来完了形にして文を完成させなさい。否) 1655(watch) 01) (since early morning. (drive) the piano for an hour when the phone rang. (play) 6 (1) I to bed when my father comes home. (2) If Jeff reads the novel again, he (3) Liz (4) Ryota 8685-17 it three times. (read) in this apartment for five years next month. (live) the dishes by the time the TV program starts. (wash) (go) 4 各文の()内のうち, 適当なほうを選びなさい. (1) The game (has already started / had already started) when we got to the stadium. (2) I (have never traveled / had never traveled) abroad before that time. (3) The rain (has just stopped / had just stopped). Let's go out now. (4) Ken was angry because he (has been waiting / had been waiting) for her for two hours. *(5) Aya didn't have her jacket. She (has left, had left) it on the train. € に直すこと)

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英語 高校生

英語の長文です。 文法表現のあるところが知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

UNIT 1 5 Reading Passage 10 15 20 20 25 Listening There are more than 37,000 known species of spiders in the world in a wide variety of shape's and sizes! The largest spiders in the world live in the rain forests of South America and are known by the people who live there as the "bird-eating spiders." These spiders can grow up to 28 centimeters in length- about the size of a dinner plate, and, as their name suggests, have been known to eat small birds. In comparison, the smallest species of spider in the world is native to Western Samoa. These tiny spiders are less than half a millimeter long — about the size of a period on this page and live in plants that grow on mountain rocks. - Some people like to keep spiders as pets, particularly tarantulas, which are native to North America and can live for up to twenty-five years, Most people, on the other hand, do not like touching spiders, and a significant number of people are afraid of them, mainly because of their poison. However, despite their bad reputation, only thirty of the 37,000 known species of spiders are deadly to humans. Spiders actually provide benefits to humans, by catching and eating harmful insects such as flies and mosquitoes. - - The main thing that makes spiders different from other animals is that they spin web's to catch the small insects they feed on. The unique silk of a spider's web is produced by special organs found spider web is five times in the lower part of the spider's body. It is light, elastic, and strong stronger than steel. Additionally, it is completely biodegradable. This means that the web will making it perfect for uses completely decompose¹ and eventually return to nature over time such as making fishing nets. Some people have tried to raise spiders commercially in order to collect the silk these spiders produce, but no one has ever really managed to make a go of it. One reason why these businesses never stand a chance is because it takes 670,000 spiders to produce half a kilogram of silk, and all of these spiders need living insects for their food. In addition, spiders are usually solitary² animals, and need to be kept alone. Researchers at an American company working together with two U.S. universities may have found a solution to making artificial spider web. Using genetically modified silkworms,³ the company hopes that in the long run it will be able to make large quantities of very light, very strong fiber for medical as well as other uses. Additionally, because the manufacture of the artificial web is from living silkworms, the industry potentially would be non-polluting and less harmful to the environment

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英語 高校生

英検準1級の要約の添削をお願いします🙏 最後の方がまとまり切らなくて入らなかったので、アドバイス欲しいです!

Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark, has emerged as a shining example of a city proactively addressing global warming. With a comprehensive and ambitious approach to sustainability, Copenhagen has set a goal to become the world's first carbon-neutral capital by 2025. The city has implemented a range of initiatives, including a robust public transportation system, extensive bike lanes, and a commitment to renewable energy sources. One of Copenhagen's notable achievements is its focus on cycling infrastructure, encouraging residents to choose eco-friendly modes of transportation. The city has invested heavily in creating an extensive network of bike lanes and bike-sharing programs, reducing reliance on carbon-emitting vehicles. Additionally, Copenhagen is committed to transitioning to renewable energy, with wind power playing a significant role in meeting its energy needs. While Copenhagen's efforts are widely praised, challenges remain. Critics argue that achieving carbon neutrality by 2025 is an ambitious target and may involve trade-offs, such as increased taxes and potential economic strain. Additionally, the city faces the complexities of balancing urban development with environmental preservation. Nevertheless, Copenhagen's dedication to tackling global warming serves as an inspiring model for other cities, showcasing the potential benefits of sustainable urban planning and the importance of balancing environmental goals with economic considerations.

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生物 高校生

生物の食物連鎖とかの問題だと思うんですけど誰かわかる方いますか??? 英語すみません💦

hhmi Biolnteractive Some Animals Are More Equal than Others: Trophic Cascades and Keystone Species Mean Leaf Area per Plant Over 18 Months without beetle with beetle Leaf Area per Plant (cm²) Control Ecology 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 Experimental 0 T 2 www.BioInteractive.org 8 10 12 14 16 Months After Start of Experiment 4 6 Refer to the figure to answer questions 12 through 17. 12. For both the plots with the beetles added and the control plots, state the mean tree leaf area per plot that the scientists recorded after running the experiment for 18 months. The mean tree leaf area per plot that the Scientist recorded after running the experiment for 18 months wit the beetles added is 1.7m², S 2.2m² 13. Compare the trends in mean tree leaf area per plot for both the plots with the beetles added and the control plots over the 18 months of the experiment. The area of the control plat for thinoceros beetles has d has increased at a nearly constant rate, the other is a gradua decrease at first, then a sudden decrease, and finally a dradua 18 Figure 2. Mean leaf area per tree. Initial measurements were taken before (0 to 2 months) and after (7 to 18 months) beetles were added to 40 of 80 plants. The light gray round markers represent measurements taken of the control plots, to which beetles were not added. The black square markers represent measurements taken of the experimental plots, to which beetles were added. Measurements were made on all leaves to calculate the mean leaf area per plant. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. 14. Draw two diagrams that show the food chains for both the experimental and control plots. Include increase. interactions among predatory beetles (if present), ants, caterpillars, and piper plants. Revised January 2018 Page 4 of 5

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