


英語 高校生


EXERCISES U to anno1 1591103 srij prizt onizu A Fillin the blanks to complete the sentences. (1) はたいてい夕食前に散歩をする. My brother usually ( ) for ( (2) 父は妹を駅まで車で迎えに行った. My father ( ) ( (3) 空が暗くなった. 雨が降りそうだ. The sky has become dark. It's ( (4) 太陽は東から昇り西へ沈む. The sun ( ) ( (5) 姉は来月18歳になる. My sister ( ) ( ) ( ) the station to pick up my sister. ) ( ) the east and ( ) before dinner. deilgn3 C Correct the error in the underlined part. (1) We have to wait until the storm will weaken. (2) If you are tired, I'm going to take the wheel. oila (3) Steve learned that two moons went around Mars. Shaggad insbio )(). ) ( ) ( ) next month. B Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. (1) Ken did not know that (native / koalas / Australia / to / are ). (3) Are you free this afternoon?-Sorry. (go / I'm going he / going / cram school / to / to ). (2) My aunt (five years / when / China / in / lived / for) she was a child. SPI (4) Lend me the magazine (it / through / you / when / with / are ). ) the west. bal 14312 M3T32 TORRT. INT. (RNSJ-1181JJ-LI veigned Food T D Express the following in English. (1) 私の故郷は琵琶湖の南に位置する. 〔Lake Biwa] (2)もし何かご質問があれば,私にご連絡ください. gainialqmoo (3) その祭りは400年前に豊作を祈願するために始まった. 〔good crop] (4) 日本では毎年何千もの人々が交通事故で亡くなっている. (5) 私はこの夏初めて海外へ行くつもりだ . AAJL47JSM ei yoM.C esw naxi. 530-13

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英語 高校生


1 Today, Taylor Swift is one of the most popular singers in the world, and is also al cover model for fashion magazines. But she was not always so popular. 2 Taylor Swift began singing country music in Pennsylvania when she was eleven. Country music is an older form of music in the USA that is usually enjoyed by 5 adults. Maybe this is why other kids at her school thought she was strange for stopped calling her. singing country music. Over time, these friends 3 One day, she invited many of her friends to go to the shopping center, but all of them said they were busy. So, Taylor went with her mother. When they got there, they saw all the girls shopping together without Taylor. Soon after that, Taylor 10 began eating lunch at school alone. (1): 4 Taylor asked her parents to take her to *Nashville, a city in Tennessee where many country singers and musicians worked. Her parents decided to move there to help her make her dream come true. Taylor's parents were right to believe she could succeed. At age fourteen, she got a contract with RCA Records, a major music 15 company. 5 RCA wanted Taylor to sing other people's songs until she was an adult. Taylor “ did not like this. She wanted to write and sing her own songs about her life and the boys she dated. The record company did not think older country fans would want to hear (3)a teenage girl talk about her life. 6 Taylor left RCA and joined a smaller record company that released her records. Her music became very popular with teenagers as well as older country music fans. Soon, Taylor was considered a major pop star, and young people who did not normally listen to country loved her music too. 5 7 One day she returned to Pennsylvania to do a concert. Girls from her old school came to the concert and were excited to see her. They treated her like a star, and seemed to have forgotten that they had stopped talking to her in junior high school. 20 Taylor realized her life had changed. (4) * Nashville + VIEN

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英語 高校生

明日までの英語の課題の答えがわかりません💦 だれか教えて下さい、お願いします💦💦🙏

13-16 を完 A ch] 1 (3) その男性は仕事を探していました。 The man was [] (4) リックはきっとその困難を克服するでしょう。 Rick will surely get over a job. the difficulty. get along with/look for / get over / put on ] ⑤ [ ]内の語句を参考にして、 日本語の意味になる英文を書きなさい。 (1) その建物は、あるドイツ人建築家によってデザインされました。 [design, architect ] The building (2) その洞窟では何が見つかりましたか。 [ be found, cave ] (3) 窓はすべて閉めておいてください。 [ keep, all ] (4) 『源氏物語』 は, 1920年代に英語に翻訳されて以来、多くの国々で読まれてきた。 [The Tale of Genji, translate ] (日本女子大) 英訳ポイント (2) 「何が見つかりましたか」 → 「何が見つけられましたか」と考える。 (3) 「窓はすべて閉めて おく」→「すべての窓を閉まった状態にしておく」と考える。 6 下線部 (1)~(3)の日本語を英語にし、 (4) (5) の質問に英語で答えなさい。 One popular American old-fashioned tradition is to give your partner a diamond engagement ring when you propose marriage. This is partly because diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth, so a diamond ring symbolizes how strong and never-ending your love is. The main reason, however, is that (1) ダイアモンドの指 輪が大きな広告キャンペーンで長年売り込まれました (be promoted) These ad campaigns 5 were from the largest diamond company in the world, De Beers. In the early 20th century, sales of diamonds in the U.S. were declining, so (2) デビアスは広告会社を雇って それを変えようとしました。 In 1948, the ad company started the “A Diamond Is Forever” campaign, which appeared in many fashion magazines. According to those ads, when you decide to get married (3) あなたはダイアモンドの婚約指輪をパートナーに贈るべき10 です。 Now, giving such a ring is popular not only in the U.S. but around the world. engagement ring: 婚約指輪 substance : 物質 symbolize: 表す De Beers: デビアス ad company: 広告会社 (1) (2) (4) Why does a diamond ring symbolize a love that lasts forever? (5) When were sales of diamonds declining in the U.S.? C

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