


英語 高校生

助動詞の問題です。 合っているか確認して頂きたいです。多くてすみません💦

4 各文を [ ]内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい. (1) You may feed these animals. [「~してはいけない」 (禁止) の意味に] You must hot feed these animals- (2) Ⅰ must apologize to her for the delay. [過去を表す文に] I had to apologize to her for the delay. (3) He must wait for the bus to come. 「~する必要はない」の意味に] (3) p.116.125 He doesn't have to bus To Come. wait for the (4) That woman must be nearly ninety now. [ 「~のはずがない」 の意味に] can4 That woman (5) I can finish the report before the deadline. hearly hinety now. 「「実際に~できた」 という過去を表す文に] I was able to finish the report 5 日本文の意味に合うように[ (1) 彼はあの夜に風邪をひいたのかもしれない. Tim 各対話文 ( (1) AI( before the deadline、 ]内の語を並べかえなさい. He [a, may, cold, caught, have ] on that night. caught a cold may have He on that night. to only study hard to (2) 君は夢をかなえるために懸命に勉強しさえすればいいんだよ. You have [to, to, hard, study, only ] fulfill your dream. fulfill your dream. You have (3) ティムはパットに失礼なことをすべきではなかったのに. Tim[not, rude, have, should, been ] to Pat. shouldo not have been rude MALN に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい. go out today.mlievend B: Then we can stay home and relax. a. will rather b. would rather c. wouldn't rather (2) A: ( I watch TV now? B: No. Finish your homework first. a. Will b. Should (3) A: What ( you like to have ? B: Two hamburgers and an orange juice, please. could b. might c.should DIBAG c.) Can Rhaco 4 (1) p.114. p.116 it STY feed 「えさを与える」 App HURT (2) p.116 (4) p.114, p.118 1900 21:3 (5) p. 113 Y 使い分けよう! deadline 「締め切り」 5-mobind (1) p. 127 25 24 23 sin-apps JIT (2) p.132 fulfill 「~を実現する」 OY (3) p.127. p.128 to Pat. NENAD FOR COMMUNICATION d would rather not d. Shall HUY Supern d. would 発展問題 1 各文の( (1) Because you have a fever, you ( b. need ) here already. I am afraid she has lost her way. b. can have arrived 【高知大】 a. must have arrived C. may have arrived d) should have arrived (3) Instead of saying "Good bye!", one of my friends often says 【関西学院大 】 ) God bless you!" b. Can a. ought (2) Tracy( )に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい. 1 see a doctor right away. (1) p.119 忠告 should c. require May c. Will ]内の語句を並べかえなさい. 2 日本文の意味に合うように [ (1) このボタンを押すだけでいいですよ. [ all, do, have, to, is, you ] to push this button. All d. Must you have to do (2) 夜更かしはしないほうがいいよ. You had better, stay, late, up, too, not ]. too stay up late You had effer hot (3) 私はバスに乗るよりむしろ自分の自転車で行きたい. I [ ride, rather, than, my bicycle, would ] take a bus. ride my bicycle than I would rather (3) The weather is agetting so bad stayed home.【*西南学院大】 c (2) I can't find my purse fanywhere. I library when I was there. 【京都外国語大】 (C)- (2) p.127 注意 【 青山学院大 】 to push this button. (3) p.136 発展編 2 (1) p. 132 (2) 医者は私に喫煙をやめるようにと勧めた. The doctor advised me that Ⅰ should p.194 展 「〜しさえすればよい」 【追手門学院大】 (2) p.120 take a bus. 3 各文の下線部の誤りを1か所選び 正しい形に直しなさい. 3 (1) They ahad to work puntil 2:00a.m., but they could finish the (1) p. 113 使い分けよう!7 experiment in time for their presentation. 【名古屋市立大】 〔6〕 →( by (3) p.132 「….するよりむしろ~ したい」 45 ) must leave it in the (2) p. 126 →(must have left) that we might just as well (3) p. 131 (d) → ( stay ) 4 日本文を英文に直しなさい. 4 (1) 自分の将来についてそんなに早く決めなくてもよかったのに. 【青山学院大】 (1) p.127, p.128 You shouldn't have 過去の行為に対 非難 (2) p.135 発展編

未解決 回答数: 1