


英語 高校生

英語 高3 landmark 本文の内容です↓ 結局エルヴィス(犬)は微積分学を行っているのでしょうか? questionで、微積分学のような何かを行っていると書いてあったので、え、どっち?ってなりました。

Lesson 8 Animal Math Class No. Name (1) Birds do it. Dogs do it. Even salamanders do it. The ability to solve math problems is showing up in all sorts of unlikely creatures. A growing body of research suggests that nature a body of 1 probably discovered math long before people did. (2) Mathematician Tim Pennings, for instance, was at the beach when he discovered that his dog Elvis could do a type of math called calculus. "I would throw a ball into the water," Pennings says. "I noticed he'd run along the beach and then jump into the water and swim at an angle toward the ball." would (3) That's a good strategy. Swimming is slow compared with running, so swimming all the way to the ball would take longer even if the route is more direct. On the other hand, running along the beach adds to the total distance Elvis must go to get to the ball. The best bet is a - increase compromise between the two-running a certain distance along the beach before plunging into the water. (4) Pennings wondered if Elvis was instinctively taking the fastest possible route to the ball. First, he measured how fast Elvis runs and swims. Next, he threw a tennis ball into the water and let the dog go. Then he measured how far the dog ran and swam again and again. Pennings had 35 sets of measurements. He went home and did some calculations, using calculus to find the fastest route. Pennings says, "I figured out that where Elvis jumps in is -solve pretty much perfect. He naturally knows the right spot to jump in." (5) It took the grown man about an hour to come up with the same solution(that the 3-year- old dog figured out in a fraction of a second) But is the dog really doing the math? "Elvis is doing calculus in the sense that he somehow knows how to find the minimum time to get to the ball," Pennings says. (6) Pennings suspects that other creatures have naturally learned the most efficient ways to do things over millions of years of evolution. (7) Studying math skills in dogs to understand math in people might not be such a far- fetched idea. In fact, some research is showing that babies and animals actually have a lot in common when it comes to numbers. **.*

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英語 高校生


121 122 Try! Jimmy ( Tis -ro 123 It ( 1 rained 3 had been raining came home. 124 125 126 Section 5 時制の一致 I didn't know that Sam ( has recovered. 1 is ) for ten days when it finally stopped.in ( 2 was raining 4 would be raining oy bih 2 had 3 has been stsubsty Boy II 時制は? ) playing the TV game for three hours when his mother for ten days 1 shall (2) cannot 3 would 4 will be had jusübung ever was 3 has been Try! The weather forecast last week said that the temperature (9) keep 101 arising. Newton explained why apples ( 1 fall 2 have been falling Try! They didn't know that the world ( 1 being 2 is Section 6***] (4) had been (4) can and su Try! By next week, you ( This July, I ( 1 teaches 3 teach We learned in our history class that World War II ( 1 ends Try! Mr. Right ( ) in the hospital. I'm happy that he Try! I read in a book that the American Civil War ( Tot () out in 1861. 1 breaks 2 broke 3 has broken 4 had been breaking b ) in 1945. 2 has been ending 3 ended 4 would end The novelist ( 1 is written 2 will have written inom no med ( 13 latog en (tot sepit \ sonte \avit) 11 (1) 3 have fallen ) round. I will have received folo 2 receiving 3 received を表す動詞の形は? og ty 997? ) from trees. 3 be (4) were Cast of smo se } booksheque 19ven and S beansines tovon bed ) ten books when he finishes Popis 3 writes POI 4 have received T100 過去のある時点 までの動作の継続) 4 falls when節が示している I bosesq\ sonie) Tool TRAK puse as ( Dogs) [ ) here for twenty years at his retirement age. will have been working 2 is worked 3 work il avod ber (中京大) 従属節の時制は、何 の影響を受ける? 主節の動詞 didn't know に注目 ) ar est gobは歴史的事実 歴史的事実を表す動 詞の形は? that 節の内容 「第2次 世界大戦が終わった」 2015 n 290b 1 929 19ven blow > the next one. T100 未来のある時点 ext oneyliaでの〈完了・結果〉〈経 4 has written 験〉 〈継続〉 を表す動 詞の形は? ) the package. ortalq ad aroquis si tu bovirus I the next one [**] diw ftal 2nd S fel を書き終えるのはいつ のこと? (南山大) 変わることのない事実 を表す動詞の形は? why 節の内容は,ずっ と変わることのない事 * olon6 Sinander o'clock E ) math to high school students for 15 years. **03#±70 2 am teaching u bar (4 <動作の継続〉を表す 動詞の形は? 4 will have been teaching MERT since three boyoin for 15 years [15 J と This July 「この7月 「で」の組み合わせに注 4 is working ayuda iniquod used E

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


He studied maps, made maps of his own voyages and of the voyages of others, and read books of travel. And always he said to himself: "There is an ocean east of China and an ocean west of Europe. Well, if the earth is round, it must be the same ocean that reaches from Europe around to China and laps the shores of both. And anyone can see that the earth is round if he watches how a ship sails out of sight on a clear day. Its hull disappears first, then the sails, till at last the very tip of the mast drops out of sight over the curve of the sea. If I could sail westward far enough, I know I should reach the eastern lands, and the great prob- lem would be solved." But Columbus had no way of proving his belief that he could get to the East by sailing (©). He was a poor man, and he had no money of his own with which he could buy ships, pay for supplies, and hire sailors to prove his kings and queens were rich () and powerful () in the belief. Only days to *fur- nish what he needed. For many long years (toto / helend / get / tried him/ships and sailors / one or another of the kings of Europe) with which to make the voyage. Of the great countries only France remained, and Columbus determined to go there. If the king of France failed him, no hope was left. *hull : 「船体」 *furnish: 「~を提供する」 C ships 1) 文中の空所ⓢⓔ (2ヵ所ある)に適語を1話ずつ補え, (各3) 2) 下線部の不定詞に用法の点で最も近い不定詞を含む文を次から1つ選び, 記号で答え £. (3) a b Cin It is difficult to finish it within a week. She was happy to receive. a love letter. You must work hard to master math. d She must be mad to say such a thing. 3) カッコ ⓘ が 「彼はヨーロッパの国王に誰かれとなく船と船員を貸してもらおうと努めま した」 という意味を表すように、 カッコ内の語句を並べ換えよ。 (6) 4) 下線部 ⑧ とほぼ同意になるように、次の書き出しに続けて英文を完成させよ。 (4) Columbus determined that ... 5) 本文の内容と一致するように,次の空所に適切な語を1話ずつ補え。 (各3) 7 Geography was among Columbus's ( ) studies. ). At the age of fourteen, Columbus became a ( The king of France was the (1) hope of Columbus. ( 12:10) を和訳せよ。 6) 下線部 how de P jole sicut to stay at badan dan undhe as.

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