


英語 中学生

問2のイについてです 2枚目の写真が私の答えなのですが、3枚目の解答とはちがっていて....これでも丸もらえますか??

2.日本語に合うように()内の語句を並びかえ、英語で答えなさい。 ただし文頭に来る語も小文字にしてある。 (2点×4) (1) 私たちが去年聞いた合唱はとてもわくわくさせました。 The chorus (we / heard / was / last year / thát ) very exciting. (2) 戦争がないといいのになあ。 (3) 丸岡には約450年前に建てられた城があります。 (4) もし私があなたなら、先生の話を聞くのに。 I ( there / no / wish / wars / wére). Maruoka has (castle/d/bullt/ was / thaf) about 450 years ago. (were / if / you/I), I would ask the teacher. 3.次の英文は、 丸岡中学校英語科の先生方から卒業生のみなさんへの手紙の前半部分です。英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Hi, everyone. You are going to leave Maruoka J.H.S soon. You've been ( ① ) English hard for three years. We think that these three years are so precious, but also ( ② ) for all of you. Because of the emergency of COVID-19, you had to follow rules that made your lives tough. We want you all to enjoy your happy lives in the future. Here is some (③) through a person's life that you've ( 4 ) about in English and Japanese classes. His name is Hoshino Michio, a great Japanese photographer. Last year, the exhibition of Michio Hoshino was held in the Fukui City Art Museum. In Fukui, students use a textbook called “New Horizon", and the story of Michio has been told for about 20 years in this book. Besides, it was the 70th anniversary of his death. Many people remembered or learned about him through the exhibition. Michio was attracted by a photograph of the wilderness of Aldiskd. He decided to visit there and learned the skill of living without city conveniences. He loved the Inuit people and animals there. They also loved Michio. He also loved the nature there that was beautiful and severe. He said, “I love this place. It's cold here, so we go negy each other and talk about our lives. It makes our bodies warm. It makes our hearts warm, too. Because the weather is severe, people try to help each other, and become even better friends." His words give some hint to realize what a happy life is. Through the severe weather, he experienced both a tough and argreat life that satisfied him. (大問4に続きます) 注) anniversary 記念日 ~周年 hint ヒント 問(1) 本文中の(1)~(4)に入る最も適切なものを、下から選び、答えなさい。 (知・技点×4) 【 learned studying. hard advice 】 問(2) 次の質問に対し、 2語以上の英語で答えなさい。 (知・技 2点×2) ア How long has Michio's story been told in the textbook “New Horizon" ? イ What was Michio attracted by?

未解決 回答数: 1