


理科 中学生


【2】 右の図のように、セロハンをとり つけた容器で仕切られたビーカーに、硫 酸亜鉛水溶液と硫酸銅水溶液を別々に入 れ、金属板Aと金属板Bをそれぞれの水 溶液に入れた後、電子オルゴールをつな ぐと、音が鳴った。 これについて、次の 問いに答えなさい。 ただし、金属板Aと 金属板Bは、それぞれ銅板か亜鉛板のい 金属板A 水溶液 ·b 金属板 B イ, リチウム電池 エ, ニッケル水素電池 +端子 セロハン 硫酸銅 水溶液 端子 電子オル ゴール 1. 電子オルゴールの音が鳴っていること から、図の装置は、物質がもっている何エネルギーを電気エネルギーに変換してとり 出しているか。また、そのような装置を何というか。 名称を書きなさい。 化学電池化学エネルギー 2. 電子オルゴールは+端子に電源の+, 端子に電源の一極をそれぞれつながないと 音が鳴らない。 ①電子が流れる向きはa,bのどちらか。 記号で選びなさい。 a ②亜鉛板は金属板A,Bのどちらか。 記号で選びなさい。 また, そのように考えた理 由を、「電子」 「イオン」の言葉を使って簡単に説明しなさい。 A銅と亜鉛では亜鉛のほうが電子を失って 陽イオンになりやす から 【3】 いろいろな電池について、 次の問いに答えなさい。 1.次のア~エから一次電池をすべて選びなさい。 ア、 アルカリマンガン乾電池 ウ…. 鉛蓄電池 【オ.空気亜鉛電池 2. 次の文章は、二次電池について説明したものである。 ( )にあてはまる言葉を書きな さい。 充電 二次電池は、( ① することでくり返し使える電池である。 ( ① ) とは、外部 電源から電池に強制的に電流を流し、(②) エネルギーを (③) エネルギーに 変換することである。 tips

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英語 中学生

この文章にある高校受験までの範囲で重要な表現や、文法事項、などピックアップして頂きたいです! 見にくい上に多くて大変だと思いますがよろしくお願いします。 もしよかったら近畿大学付属高校の英語でおさえておきたいことがあればぜひ教えてください

時間 50分 配点 100点 次の英文は、飛行機に乗ることに対しての恐怖に関する講座について書かれたものです。 英文を 読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。 Fear of flying is a common problem. One study shows that 20 percent of us feel afraid about airplane flight. Is it possible that taking a class can help? I am sitting with my wife, Cathy, who is afraid to fly, and 120 people in a hotel near a busy airport. Dr. Brian Kelly and 15 other experts are taking us through a one-day fear-of-flying class. In the morning, Pilot Richard Smith gives a clear explanation of how an airplane (), and talks about the parts of a flight that cause the most fear. Sudden movement of the plane is the biggest problem. It's not relaxing, but common, and Smith explains how planes are (v) to *deal with it. The afternoon class deals with mental problems. Like many other strong fears, fear of flying is caused by “catastrophizing" - thinking too much about *disasters. The simplest solution, says Kelly, is mental training: Simply stop yourself. When you find that you imagine something bad, think about (1) something pleasant. If you do it often enough, the fear will become ( A ). Everyone is thinking about the 40 minutes flight at the end of the day. The question is, who will be on the plane? There are (B) levels of fear in the group. Some people are a little nervous, others very afraid. lisampu Margaret Anderson is somewhere in the middle. She has () on a plane many times, but her fear has grown with each trip. It's a surprisingly common problem: People remember every moment of bad feeling during years of flying, but they ( C ) the peaceful trips. (2) As a result, they imagine the bad situation. "I went to Bali and spent two weeks staying on the beach," says Margaret. "It sounds like fun, but it wasn't. I spent the whole time looking up at the planes, terrified when I thought I'd have to fly to get home." This is the second class for David Green: The first time he couldn't leave the hotel [ X ] the airport. He's a big man, and doesn't want to show fear, but ( D ). "I want to go to *Majorca for a vacation with my family, but right now I just can't. And I have (3) one thing to worry about," he says. "The worst thing is that I have to tell my fear to my son, Daniel." Toward the end of the afternoon, the stress is rising. It's almost time for the flight. My wife is *pale, but relatively calm. 1 fear ウ overcome オ I ' it's / the other people # (4) [7 hard fór they had and talk about the fear smaller in tears is having a terrible panic attack. People They tell passengers the reason for every "thump, clunk, and so on. ow different feelings in the plane. Everyone is invited to spend a minute with the pilots. ally helped. I was much more relaxed." When we arrive, most passengers are smiling. Margaret Anderson is happy: "(6) It has David Green stepped man who needs a vacation. on and [Y] the plane one time too many and stayed in the 注) *deal with 〜に対処する boarding area. "Next time," he says. "I'll go next time." I hope he (7) does. He looks [Z] *pale (顔が) 青白い *thump, clunk 文中の空所(あ)~(う)に入る語を下から選んで、それぞれ適切な形に直して入れなさい。 get PR い。 *disaster ) ( ) *Majorca マヨルカ島 build take fly 下線部(1) とほぼ同じ意味で使われている英語を本文中より抜き出し、 一語の英語で答えなさ 文中の空所 (A) に入る最も適切な語を,次のア~エから一つ選んで記号で答えなさい。 7 common 1 weak well I nervous 間 4 文中の空所(B)に入る最も適切な語を、次のア~エから一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。 7 same different high I hard 文中の空所(C)に入る最も適切な語を,次のア~エから一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。 7 remember feel forget I take 問6 下線部(2) とほぼ同じ意味を表す語句を、次のア~エから一つ選んで記号で答えなさい。 In fact For a while At first I In the end B7 文中の空所 [ X ] ~ [ Z ] に入る最も適切な語を,次のア~エから一つずつ選んで、記号で 答えなさい。 X ) X( ) Z( ) 7 like 1 off from I for 8 文中の空所 (D)に入る最も適切なものを、次のア~オから一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。 7 he feels relaxed at the airport 1 he doesn't worry about his vacation

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英語 中学生


問題10 【思考・判断・表現】 (2×9=18) 健(Ken)はクラスの友達に切手 (stamp) と地図 (map) を見せながら、ブータン王国 ( Bhutan)に住む文通相手 (pen pal)のタシ (Tashi) との交通についてスピーチをしてい ます。 次の英文を読んで、あとの (ア) ~ (ケ)の各問いに答えなさい。 0275 300q sit zow stoloporlo to roteir sdt bib 9W (1) Hi, everyone. I'm going to talk about my pen pal. Please look at this stamp. Have you ? Tashi, my pen pal ever seen a big stamp like this? It's not a Japanese stamp. Then ( 1 )? TIDS Satplopo tuodo in Bhutan, sent it to me last week. Bhutan has interesting stamps. I'll talk a little about Syobot pluqoq Bhutan. Please look at this map. Bhutan is between China and India. It's bigger than Kyushu NW (E) and has many high mountains. People in that country have clothes like Japanese kimonos, and they grow and eat rice. Tashi and I became pen pals last year. I've never seen him, ( 2 ) I've seen his father. in the Meiji pen His father came to Japan to study at college, and my mother was his Japanese teacher. t in Japan. They tre When she brought him to our house, he told me about his family. He said, "My son is as old LA 111. SIDIO Snipsd as you. He wanted to come to Japan with 3me, but he had to stay in Bhutan. He is very bih wohl (S)make interested in Japan and wants a Japanese friend. If you write a letter to him, he will be very ( 4 )." Tashi's father also told me about his country. It was very interesting. So I Sstoloporio svori ot sent a letter to Tashi, and we started writing letters to each other. We write letters in English. I didn't like writing English before, but now I enjoy it. Tashi writes English very well because teachers in Bhutan usually speak English when they teach. He sometimes uses difficult words in his letters, so I need a ( 5 ) to read them. We write about our countries, schools, families, and friends. He uses beautiful stamps to him, too. Thank you for listening.

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