


英語 中学生

3.4枚目が問題文、5枚目が答え、1.2枚目は問題を解くときに必要な文です。 なぜこの答えになるのかがわからないので教えてください。 解くのは大変だと思うので、一問だけでも大丈夫です。

2 次は, 高校1年生の Yusuke が書いた英文です。 これを読んで、 問1~間6に答えなさい。*印 のついている語句には、本文のあとに 〔注〕があります。(34点) My father loves *dinosaurs and *fossils. He (he/them/in/collects/is/that/interested /so) dinosaur toys, small fossils and books about dinosaurs. I heard he tried to find fossils along the river with my grandparents when he was young. When I was younger, my family took me to the science museum every year. My father loved looking at the dinosaur fossils there, and he always explained them to me. So, I got interested in dinosaurs and fossils, too. My father has a restaurant near our house, and he displays some dinosaur teeth fossils in the restaurant. One day, he introduced one of his customers to me. The man, Mr. Shirai, also loved dinosaurs and fossils, and often visited museums all around the world, such as in America, Canada and China. He realized that my father was interested in the same things because of the fossils in the restaurant. They became good friends. One day in September, Mr. Shirai came to my father's restaurant and showed me a fossil. It was a beautiful fish fossil in a brown stone plate. I was surprised to see it, Mr. Shirai A me a lot about the fossil. He traveled to Germany to look for fossils, and he found many fossils there such as fish, animal bones and leaves. The area is very famous for "archaeopteryx fossils. I once saw a picture of the archaeopteryx fossil in a book, so I wanted to go to see the fossil in -4-

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