1s visited by many tourists in winter. (否定文に)
•he was
This site isnt visited by many tourists in winter.
(4)/ The first mechanical clocks were created about 700 years ago. (下線部をたずねる疑問文に)
When were the first mechanical clocks created?
(5) These cups are carried carefully. (「…しなければならない」という意味を加えて)
These cups must be carried carefully.
3 次の日本文にあう英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえなさい。 ただし, 1語ずつ不足しているので補う
(1) その音楽イベントで多くのお金が集まりました。
( the / at/music/collected/money/lot / a / of ) event. *1語不足
A lot of money were collected at the music event.
(2)この教室は放課後に使われていますか。 ( school / after / this / is / classroom )? *1語不足
Is this classroom used after school?
(3)ラグビーはたいてい男の子によってプレーされます。( played / usually/rugby/boys / is ) * 1語不足 3
Rugby is usually played by boys.
(4)新しい情報がまもなく掲示されるでしょう。(will / posted / information / new)soon. *1語不足
New information will be posted soon..
4 次の日本文の意味を英文で表しなさい。 ただし, 受け身を使うこと。
(1) このケーキは今朝作られました。
This cake was made this morning..