


ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

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4G - 14:15 น. ← Screenshot_20230... Reading-Comprehen... Q Volcanoes Read the passage below and answer the questions on the next page. 4G 54 Volcanoes are geological formations that are created due to the movement of magma and gas from the Earth's mantle and core to its surface. The Earth's crust is made up of several large tectonic plates that are in constant motion, and when these plates collide, magma is forced to the surface, resulting in volcanic eruptions. Games4esl Volcanoes can be found all over the world and are often located in areas where tectonic plates converge, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire. Volcanoes can be classified into three main types: shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and cinder cone volcanoes. Shield volcanoes are formed by repeated eruptions of fluid lava flows, which are thin and runny due to low viscosity. As the lava spreads out, it forms a wide, gently sloping mountain. Stratovolcanoes are steep, cone-shaped mountains that are formed by layers of ash, lava, and other volcanic debris. They are typically the result of explosive eruptions. Cinder cone volcanoes are small, steep-sided cones that are formed from a single vent and have a circular crater at the top. They are usually created by explosive eruptions that produce a lot of ash and cinders. |||| Volcanic eruptions can be very destructive and can cause damage to both the natural environment and human infrastructure. They can cause ash clouds that can travel for miles and disrupt air travel, as well as pyroclastic flows, which are fast-moving clouds of hot gas, ash, and rock that can be deadly. In addition to causing destruction, volcanic eruptions can also be beneficial, as they can create new land, enrich soil with minerals and nutrients, and provide sources of geothermal energy. 3 Scientists study volcanoes in order to better understand their behavior and predict when eruptions might occur. They use instruments such as seismometers, gas sensors, and satellite imagery to monitor the activity of volcanoes and track changes in their behavior. This information can be used to create early warning systems that can help protect people and communities from the effects of volcanic eruptions. www.Games4esl.com

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

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34 - 35 / 85 ) อ Look at the pictures and unscramble. The first letter is bolded. 1. nirysudt feecrerenp 3. 4. ddcenaiat eultildfg h 5. Tetcuenilalt mlka Rewrite the sentences with a defining relative clause and the given sentence. 1. My father is very hard working. (He is a professor.) 2. Alice Monkton called the police when she heard the sound of a breaking window. (She Iives next door to the burgled house.) 3. Our physics course is taught by world-renowned professors. (It is one of three subjects this university offers dasses in.) 4. I was offereda job at Techtropolis because the interviewer liked my ambition. (Its the top tech company in my city.) 5. I talked to Daniel Myerson for most of the party. (I went to middle school with him.) Read the conversation and circle the correct answers. "My personality is quite Complex. If Im with people I know well, IFm an extrovert: I talk a lot, and Fm loud and confident. But if Irm in an unfamiliar situation, with people I don't know, 1 tend to be quiet and more introverted.I don't realy mind, though. I think being quiet has benefits. It makes me a better listener, and I can get to know new people quickly." Samira "Interesting. Im actually kind of the opposite. I love meeting new people, so when I do, I'm very excited, outgoing, and talkative. But when I'm with people whom Ive known for a long time, I'm more calm and relaxed. Oh, but even though I like meeting new people, I really don't like speaking in front of large groups of strangers. When I have to give a speech on a stage or Something like that I feel very stressed and Scared!" Ronan 1. Samira and Ronan have 2. Samira feels 3. Ronan doesnt like to 3. talk in front of groups a. very similar personalities b. very different personalities C. unchanging personalities d. not many friends a. bad that she s introverted b.confident with people she knows C. outgoing with new people d.sensitive to the quiet b. meet new people C. talk much with people he doesn't know d. be talkative with new people 35

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


45 ห The best title for this passage would be a. A New Pastime C. National Pastimes b. Famous Loves d. Interesting Hobbies II Match the meanings under Y with the words under X. X Y 1. invent a. a strong belief in oneself b. the science of government 2. pastime 3. discuss C. chance 4. self-confidence d. say that one is not pleased or does not like 5. politics something 6. hesitate e. an activity of pleasure that occupies one's time; a way of spending spare time pleasantly f. make something for the first time 7. income 8. Complain 9. queue 8. talk about something with someone else 10. opportunity h. money that one earns from one's work or business or the money that one gets from other sources such as pension or investments 1. to find difficulty in deciding: to be uncertain, in doubt j. line of people waiting in turn to do something IV Answer the following questions briefly. 1. How does the writer do a psychological analysis of nations? 2. How can a walk in the streets of Paris make a woman feel self-confident? 3. What does an Italian like to talk about? 4. Explain how the peoples of the USA and Switzerland make use of their free time. 5. Why does the author think that English people like queuing? V Combine the following sentences by using the words given in brackets. This will give you a Summary of the passage. 1. The writer does a psychological analysis of nations. He studies the most frequent activities of the people of each nation. (by) 2. In France people enjoy talking about love. In Italy people love talking about everything and everyone, (while) 2. The greatest Swiss passion is eating. Americans enjoy pushing buttons, (but) 4. In England people enjoy queuing. ากis pastime is a pleasure discovered through the necessities of war. (which) 2. The English people formed a queue. Ihe train was almost empty. (Although) VI Questions for Discussion ป neonle living in your country?

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