


ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ Past and Past Perfect Tense ใครพอจะรู้คำตอบ หรือมีเฉลย รบกวนด้วยนะคะ ขอบคุณค่ะ😭

B1 Past and Past Perfect Tense Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets: Past or Past Perfect Tense /Simple or Progressive) 1. After I the letter, I the wrong address on it. (POST, REALISE, WRITE) 2. John asked me where I 3. At this time yesterday, we 4. When I the magnificent time I 5. It was the first time that she 6. As soon as the maid working in the garden. (FINISH, START) (ALREADY MAKE, RISE) 9. We 10. When I 7. We started to worry about Jimmy because we (CALL) 8. They (ARRIVE, LEAVE) 13.1 14. We 11. While I in the garden it off the oven. (WORK, STRIKE, NOT TURN) 12.1 18. We (NOT GO, CANCEL) the day before. (BE) through the streets of Madrid, I that I about there as a student. (WALK, THINK, SPEND) me to dinner. (INVITE) scrubbing the kitchen floor, she California. (WATCH, HIT) 15. The police told me that someone 16. When I finally. for half an hour. (ARRIVE, WAIT) 17. Patricia their way out of town before the sun for 6 km. (ALREADY WALK) for two hours when we finally got to our hotel. (DRIVE) home, I saw that the children. my best friend to the party, but he couldn't come because he other plans. (INVITE, ALREADY MAKE) out of the window because I some noises. (LOOK, THINK, HEAR) TV when we saw that a devastating earthquake. a job. (STUDY, QUIT, GET) TO28 him all afternoon. me that I English for three years when she to China because our flight at the airport, he told me that he into our neighbour's house. (BREAK) and on short notice.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


Vocabulary Comprehension 1 Write the words from the box next to the correct definitions. recent awkward category gather regretful ignore deny adore cuisine realize 1. 2. area 3. missed out on 4. short time ago 5. something 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. embarrassed or nervous to collect things or people from different places into one 2. Have you before? feeling sad or sorry for something that's lost, or that you describing something that has started or happened a to understand something you didn't before; to recall a type or way of cooking to claim something isn't the truth to pay no attention to someone or something a grouping of things organized by type to like someone or something very much Grammar Practice 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words. 1. We've only just 3. Tony has week. 4. That man has 5. I too much homework to do. (begin) to understand recent events. (contribute) anything to the local paper (be) to the gigantic mall three times this (write) seventeen novels. (feel) like going to the movies yesterday, but I had Expressions Practice 3 Circle the best expression. 1. In my experience, / I remember when people who tell a lot of jokes are more memorable. 2. What happened was / At the time, I forgot her birthday and she got offended. 3. In my experience, / One time, my brother ignored the rules and got into some serious trouble. 4. I remember when / What happened was people were allowed to swim in that river. 5. In my experience, / At the time, I had different interests than I do now.

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