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When you pamphrase a sentence, you say the same thing but in your own words it is ful to
look in a dictionary of synonyms or a thesaurus to find a diffiment word with the same meaning
Paraphrase these lines from the reading by replacing the underlined words. Look back at the
key vocabulary or a dictionary if you need help.) The first one is done for you.
1. He thought of a plan to get a little company and some excitement.
AME He had an idea of how to get some people to visit him and have some fun
2. There was once a young Shepherd's Boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain
near a dark forest.
3. He rushed down toward the village, calling out Wolf! Wolf!, and the villagers came out to
help him.
4. This pleased the boy so much that a few days later he tried the same trick.
5. But shortly after this, a wolf actually did come out from the forest...