


英語 中学生


次のEメールの内容に関して (28) から (30) までの質問に対する答えとして最 582 SA 4[B] [も適切なものを 1,2,3,4の中から一つ選び、その番号のマークをぬりつぶしな さい。 From: Lynn Mills To: Cathy Leonard Date: June 28, 2011 18:39 Subject: Changing the schedule Dear Cathy, How are you? I just checked my schedule for next month. There is a problem. I asked you to babysit* Luke and Kevin on July 16th, but my meeting is on Saturday, July 23rd. Can you come that day instead? The time is the same. I'll leave the house at ten in the morning and be home by four. I also wanted to ask you about lunch. Could you make lunch for the boys again? They really loved the spaghetti you made for them last time. If you don't have time to cook, I can leave some sandwiches for you and the boys. If there's something you need for lunch, I'll go shopping for it on Friday. Please e-mail me soon about the new date. I hope it's OK for you. You're Luke and Kevin's favorite babysitter. Thanks, Lynn Mills From: Cathy Leonard To: Lynn Mills Date: June 28, 2011 20:12 Subject: No problem Dear Mrs. Mills, Thank you for your e-mail. I don't have any plans on the 23rd, so I can change the date for babysitting. My grandparents will visit us on the weekend of the 16th. I'm glad because now I'll have more time to spend with them. About lunch, I would like to make pizza and salad this time. I hope Luke and Kevin can help me with the cooking. I think it'll be fun. I'm looking forward to playing with the boys again. Say hello to them! Nee you next month, Cathy Babysit: 子守りをする (28) What will Mrs. Mills do on July 23rd? 1 Go to a meeting. 2 Go shopping. 3 Take a trip. 4 Have a cooking lesson. (29) Why is Cathy glad? 1 She will be able to work on both weekends. 2 She will have more time to see her grandparents. 3 She won't need to wake up early. 4 She won't have to make lunch. (30) What does Cathy say about lunch? 1 She wants Mrs. Mills to leave some money. 2 She will make Luke and Kevin's favorite food. 3 She thinks it will be fun to cook with Luke and Kevin. 4 She wants to take Mrs. Mills to a restaurant. 21年度第1回

解決済み 回答数: 1