


ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

มีใครเข้าใจไหมคะ อธิบายหนูหน่อย

Zero Conditional If + Present Simple, Present Simple We use the zer0 conditional to talk about things that always happen in certain conditions. The main action is an automatic result of the if-clause. (We can sometimes use when instead of if.) Task 1. Open the brackets. Remember about the punctuation. 1) If you 2) If you (press) this button the machine (press) this button the machine (not practise) the piano every evening I (take) our dog to the park she (heat) ice it (miss) the 8 o'clock train I (be) late for work my boss (start). (stop). 3) IfI (forget) how to play it. 4) If we (run) away. 5) If you 6) If/When I (melt). (be) late for work. 7) If/When I if/When people 9) When you (get) angry. (not eat) they (fy) budget airline you 8) (get) hungry. (have to) pay for your drinks and snacks. (take) plenty of sun cream. It'll be very hot. 10) When you (go) on holiday Task 2. Rewrite each pair of sentences to make one sentence with the zero conditional. 1) You heat water to 100 degrees. It boils. 2) You cross an international date line. The time changes. 3) It rains. The grass gets wet. 4) Wood doesn't burn. There is no air. 5) Ice floats. You drop it in water. 6) There is no rain. The grass doesn't grow. 7) Iron rusts. It gets wet. 8) People eat to0 much. They get fat. 9) Babies are hungry. They cry. 10) The river freezes. It's very cold. Task 3. Write the sentence with the zero conditional. (I/ wake up late / I / be late for school) (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat) (my husband / cook / he / burn the food) (I/ feel good the next day / I/ go to bed early) (you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock) (she / buy expensive clothes / she / go shopping) (I/ cycle to work / the weather / be fine) (I/ study hard / I / pass my exams)

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