


คณิตศาสตร์ มัธยมปลาย

ช่วยตรวจดูให้หน่อยค่ะ ว่ามีตรงไหนผิดไหม

1. First Mary will call. Then I will ask about the test. (When) When Mary calls ป will ask abou่ the test. 2. First she will finish the interview. Then she will leave her office. (After) Afer she finishes the interview, she will leave_her office. 3. First she will go to the store. Then she will buy her mother's birthday present. (When) When she goes to fthe slore, She will buy her mohers birihday_present. 4. First I will clean the living room. Then our guests will arrive. (Before) 1 will clean the living room before Our guests arive. 5. First I will finish my homework. Then I will go for a run. (After) Afterl finishes my homework will go for a run . 6. First I will send this email. Then I will help you. (As soon as) 1 will help_you as soon os I send this email. 7. First I will show the website. Then I will leave. (Before) I will show the websie before leave. 8. First you will get home. Then I will start cooking. (When) When you gd home ป will slart cooking- 9. First we will go to the beach. Then the children will swim. (As soon as) As soon as we goes to the beach, the children will swim. 10. First the students will finish their final exams. Then will relax. (After) Afler the students finishes their final exams ,they will relax.

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 2