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help please ช่วยแปลให้เราหน่อยได้มั้ยคะต้องการมากๆ😭

owl with Characters Larger tha In any book, cartoon or film we all love to see the heroes defeat the villains, save the world, win the girl and live happily ever after. But just between you and me, don't we feel a little bit sorry for the villains as well? Batman is the superhero protector of Gotham City. After witnessing the murder of his parents as a child, he swore to fight crime. He does not have any superhuman powers, but relies on his intelligence, athletic ability and scientific knowledge. He wears a costume that acts like armour. His cape can spread out like wings which can be used to glide down safely from heights. As a crime fighter, Batman faces several enemies. His biggest enemy is the Joker, a violent maniac with a clown-like appearance. The Joker, a master criminal, has chalk- white skin, green hair and a permanent grin stretched across his face. At one time he can be mischievous and funny, but at other times violent, brutal and cruel. He has no superpowers, instead he is intelligent and good at chemical engineering and weapon design, which he uses to create instruments of terror. One of the most powerful villains is Thanos. He is much larger than the average human, with powerful muscles, a broad face and purple skin. He often wears Life a protective suit of armour, and a glove that can harness power from infinity stones. Thanos plans to use this power to erase half of the human population. Due to this, he is seen as an enemy by many, notably Iron Man who teams up with other heroes, the Avengers, to try to stop him. Iron Man is identified by the armour he wears, which he largely made for himself. Though he has no superpowers, his armoured suit gives him strength, makes him fly, and shoots rays from the palms of his metal gloves. He also has a device on his chest that helps his damaged heart to beat well. Once a good fairy, Maleficent suffered a betrayal from King Stefan that turned her pure heart to evil. To revenge, she placed a curse upon the king's newborn daughter, Princess Aurora, which she makes to only be broken by the kiss of true love. Later on, Maleficent developed a maternal love for the princess. That love broke the curse when she kissed Aurora on the forehead. Whether heroes or villains, these are the characters I admire the most. I love to watch the heroes fight the villains and eventually see good win over evil. I also can't help feeling for the villains and their weaknesses; I just love to hate them! These stories are timeless and the characters are definitely larger than life.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

ตอบคำถาม14ข้อ ช่วยหน่อยค่ะ

OFFERING ROBES m or "PHA PA means clothes forest Money tree During the feast called "PHA PA", money is given to restore the temple buildings but also to get funds to build new buildings. Such tree is called money tree The "PHA PA ceremony can happen at any time in the year. On the contrary "THOT KATHIN" ceremony only happens once a year and just after the end of the rain retreat. The name "PHA PA" can be translated to "clothes forest. A long time ago, monks only wear clothes made from old rags of dead people. So faithful people sometimes placed clothes on the tree branches in the forest. That is the origin of the "PHA PA ceremony. Directions: Answer these questions about Thot Khathin and Thot Pha Pa. 1. What is Kathin? 2. How long are the robes of Buddhist monks cut ? 3. Who would make Kathin robes in the olden times ? 4. When is a period of four weeks? 5. What is the key thing presented to monks in Thot Khathin and Thot Pha Pa? 6. When is Thot Khathin held? 7. When is Thot Pha Pa held? 8. What are presented to monks in the temples on Thot Khathin ceremony? 9. What is the Pha Pa money used for ? 10. What is junju' called in English? 11. What is th' called in English ? 12. What is the origin of the Pha Pa ceremony? 13. Why is it called Thot Pha Pa? 14. Can you tell about the difference between Thot PhaPa' and 'Thot Khathin'?

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


A Vocabulary Listen and number. Physirs 1 Physics 1 AP Physics 2 AP Biology interview curriculum Reading 1. curriculum 2. attendance. 3. individual 4. encourage 5. experiment. 6. interview 7. salary 8. marry 9. private 10. stressful ● AP Physics 2 AP Physics 2 AP Chemistry • Track 1-01 attendance 2 Match the words with the definitions. salary Aim Read about different education systems individual marry encourage Sorry CLOSED private O Read the ar DIFFER USA goals s put int and m • a. a test, usually scientific, done to learn something b. to make someone more likely to do something employee • c. a fixed amount of money received by an ● d. subjects taught in school, college, or academy • e. only for one person or specific group f. the number of people who go to an event . g. a meeting to see if someone is suitable for a job or position ● h. making you feel worried and nervous • i. separate from the other people or things in a group ● j. to begin a relationship as a husband or a wife AltSo Pre-reading 3 Look at the jobs. Talk with a partner. Research online how to get these jobs. Des the education and experience needed for each job.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


ตารางสอน 819 ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๑๑๑ า า Let's have a look at what science and technology are preparing for us in the future. Can you imagine spending your holidays in a space hotel, having your home totally 5 computerised? What about new bones, veins and skin grown from your body cells? Homes of the Future If you like comfort, you will find it in the model home designed for the future. This model house will be wired for convenience, literally. Computer systems will link rooms, gadgets and appliances to each other and all this will be connected to the 30 Internet. 25 Space Resorts Some aerospace companies are setting up a Space Travel and Tourism Division as At the entrance, a security TV doorphone will record a picture of each visitor and it will transmit the image to monitors throughout the house. In the kitchen, appliances from the fridge to the 35 microwave oven will be programmed to order from a food delivery service and to cook recipes selected from the Internet. of the Space Transportatioท 10 part Association. One of the latest ideas is that in a few years' time you will be able to spend your vacation in a space hotel built with recycled space shuttle fuel tanks. An 15 onboard oxygen system will let guests breathe easily. The hotel will grow all its food on board hydroponically (in water containing dissolved nutrients). As soon as the guests get there, they will have an Earth- 20 like "gravity Zone" for the "space-sick." How does it sound? Will you be one of the guests to spend your holidays orbiting 322 kilometres above the Earth? Your Body Sooner than you think, scientists will grow new 40 heart valves from your own cells in laboratories. New veins and arteries will grow directly from a patient's own cells to avoid immune-system rejection. Within 10 to 20 years, laboratories will be ready to transplant hearts, livers and kidneys 45 routinely-all grown from hนman tissue in the lab. AFTER READING 5 What do these words refer to? They are underlined in the text. 4 True or false? Quote the text. 1 The space hotel will be built with recycled material. 1 its (paragraph 2) 2 they (paragraph 2) 3 it (paragraph 3) 4 it (paragraph 4) 2 In the house of the future, your fridge will be connected to the Internet. 3 There is little chance that arteries will grow from patients' cells. www How will techno affect your body future? Check or * Join the beginning of each sentence with the ending. แomr uil1 be

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

ช่วยหาคำตอบหน่อยฮะ🥲 ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าค่ะ

.l TRUE-H 4G 18:01 @ 14% Fce reading and use of english part.. ปา X https://www.liveworksheets.com FCE READING AND USE OF ENGLISH PART7 You are going to read five reviews of fantasy novels. Before you read, underline the main idea in each question. The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led |- the Revels There by Catherynne M. Valente A Stitch in Time by Penelope Lively Maria is always lost in her own little world in which she prefers to chat with animals, trees, plants and inanimate objects, rather than other human beings. But while on holiday she begins to hear things that others cant, and she's not sure what is real any more. Then she finds a nineteenth-century sewn picture and she feels a strange connection with Harriet, the girl who sewed it. As Maria becomes more involved in This is the second breathtaking adventure for September, the strange girl who retums to Fairyland to find that the fairy creatures are in trouble, For a while now they have been losing their shadows and, with their shadow, their magic is disappearing. September learns that it is all to do with a conflict with Fairyland-Below, a dark place where there is no law, and terrifying creatures live. It is a place that September knows she has to visit in order to get back the shadows from the thieves, and to sort out the mess that Fairyland is in. It takes her on an incredible journey that is sometimes dangerous, sometimes terrifying, but always fascinating. Readers young and old will have great fun with this one. Harriet's world, she begins to fear that something sad has happened. This book is a gentile, funny and mysteriouร read from an author who started her career witing film scripts. Ante's Inferno by Griselda Heppel Shadow Spel by Caro King Adults will have heard of Dante's Inferno and the author When Nina is set the task to stop the evil Mr Strood from killing the dying land of Drift, she has to find Simeon Dark, the last surviving king and his mansion, for he is the only one who can make sure she is successful. But with Dark's love of tricks, strange creatures and monsters - good and bad - in the way, Nina has a hard mission before her. Readers watch the hero survive a series of thrilling adventures, and fall in love along the way. The book is written for the teen market, but there is nothing unsuitable for younger readers in here. In fact, the movie rights have already been sold to a family-friendly Hollywood production company, and it is due for release next year. says she was inspired to write her book drawing on the Inferno's riches. Ante and her enemy at school, Florence, plus a boy who has been trapped in the music room for a hundred years, fall into a tunnel leading to the Underworld. There they find themselves in a dark and nightmarish place where characters from Greek mythology exist alongside terifying, monstrous beings. Their horrifying journey and need to get back to the real world is full of exciting events. While it may be a bit much for pre-teens to deal with, more mature readers will keep turning the pages to find out what dreadful thing is going to happen next. Match questions 1-10 with the reviews (A-E). The reviews may be chosen more than once. 1. Which book is probably too frightening for young readers? The Deadly Trap by Jan Burchett & Sara Vogler 2. Which book is about regaining something that has been lost? Young hero Sam is taken back 300 years onto his favourite pirate ship, the Sea Wolf, where the pirates are planning to steal some English gold. Within minutes he meets the new shipmate, Mick, who Sam suspects is not all he claims to be. The other 3. Which book contains an element of humour? 4. Which book involves a journey into the past? pirates เall like him, but Sam is not 5. Which book features a character who may be hiding something?| So sure and sets 3 the others refuse to believe it, going ahead with a trap that Mick fals into but 6. Which book is being turned into a film? their piracy plans involving Mick. Sam and his close friend Charlie have to find a way to stop Mick's plan. This is a fast-moving tale, which brings to mind the old-fashioned adventure 7. Which book has a main character who is not very sociable? 8. Which book is one of a series of novels? stories of such classic writers as Stevenson and Defoe. 9. Which book takes some ideas from another work? 10. Which book includes a character interested in magic and games? Finish!! Learn German Online Group Courses Learn German with the experts online. Get afull level ahead.

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