


英語 中学生

to や forなどといったものを当てはめるのですが 考え方のコツを教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️

4】 (単語の使い方の復習) 正しい前置詞 (一部、 接続詞) を入れなさい。 必要のない場合には×を書くこと。 (1) I invited Tom (6) my birthday party. 誕生日パーティに招待した (2) Tom bought a dictionary (for ) his sister. 妹に辞書を買ってあげた (3) We enjoyed talking with Ms Quinnee ( lunch time. 昼休みの間、 クイニー先生とおしゃべりした (4) Tom is going to to join () my birthday party. Tom は私の誕生日パーティに来てくれます (5) My sister. gets up early ( in ) the morning. 姉はいつも朝早く起きます (6) Jack bought the same bag (as ) Bill's. ジャックはビルと同じカバンを買った the weather. それは天気次第です (7) It depends ( (8) Shall we have lunch? How (about) Chinese food? ランチを食べよう、中華なんてどう? (9) My dream is to study ( ) abroad. 私の夢は留学することです (10) Märy helped me (with (11) I want to visit ( ) my presentation. メアリーがプレゼン発表を手伝ってくれました ) many foreign countries. いろいろな外国に行ってみたいです ) you finish your homework. 宿題を終えたら外出していいよ (12) You can go out ( < 解答例 > (1) to (2) for (3) during (4) X (5) in (6) as (7) on (8) about (9) X (10) with (11) X (12) after / if / when

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

【⠀】の中の語を入れ替えなさい よく分かりません😭教えてください!

読んで, 問1~問7に答えなさい。 *印のついている語句には、 本文のあとに〔注〕 があります。 ( 28点) 1 (In the classroom, Mr. Ito tells the students about the field trip.) Mr. Ito: We are going on a field trip to Keyaki City next month. There are a lot of places to visit. On the day of the field trip, we will meet at Keyaki West Park at 9 a.m. Each group will start there and come back to the park by 3 p.m. So, you have six hours of group time. Ken : Can we decide where to go? Mr. Ito: Yes, but you need to go to one of the four places on the list as a che point, so the teachers can see how you are doing. Today, I [to/to/you/place/want / visit/ *discussion. choose which) as a check point in a group Ken : Mr. Ito: Emma: Mr. Ito: Yui : Mr. Ito: Yui: one. We need more information. Uh, it is hard to choose one. You can use books or the Internet to get information. Can we take a taxi ? No. How much money can we take on the trip? You can bring *up to 3,000 yen for the *fares, *admission tickets, and lunch. 008 blo You can travel on foot, by bus or by train. plo anosy Go I see. Mr. Ito: During the trip, don't forget to take pictures and take notes about something you did. These will help you with your presentation after the trip. OK, please start your group discussions. 〔注〕 discussion 話し合い up to fare admission ticket X* 月1 [ ]内のすべての語を本文の流れに合うように、正しい順序に並べかえて書きなさい。

解決済み 回答数: 1