


数学 中学生

英語得意な方!!! ①〜⑤の英文の添削?をお願いしたいです! 間違っている文法や単語、何を言いたいのか分からない所などなど、、、多分大量にあります!笑 なんか明日の中間テストでここから15点分くらい出るらしくて🙋🏻 1つだけでも全然大丈夫です!よろしくお願いします!🙇🏻

疑問文は使わない 3年生で習った文法を一つ使う 英作文チャレンジ 1.次の意見に対し、 あなたの考えを30語以上で書きなさい。 1 When students have free time, they should read more books. 学はひまなとき、もっと本を読むべき students should read books at home when it rains day! Play outside when it's sunny Reading books is not so much necessary "day". I want children to play outside. 2 When we learn a foreign language, we should study abroad. 37551731NZ. I think that if you make friends abroad, you will want to Study English more. You need study a littele before go abroad. English helps all people live better. ③ Watching TV is good for children. テレビを見ることは子どもにとっていいことだ watching TV is not good for children because the problem is there are not many children Playing outside. TV Show us a lot of things, but children should playing outside that We can't live without computer. コンピューターなしでは生きていけない. There are a era we didn't have computers so we can live without computer, but It is not useful and fan. It is excited for all people to cuse computer. ⑤ Junior high school students should wear school uniforms, 中学生は制服を着るべき Junior high school students should wear school uniforms because around me people you are a Junior high school students. You know School uniforms has been wearing for many years liell.

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