


英語 中学生

大門1と2の全て教えてもらいたいです。 orやandの使い分けが分からないためよろしくお願いいたします。

Exercises 1 Lesson 1-2 文の種類② p.10 a p.15 Dialogue A : Which do you like better, tuna or salmon? まぐろとさけ,どちらが好きですか。 B: Ilike both. How about you? 私はどちらも好きです。あなたは? A: Ilike salmon better. 私はさけのほうが好きです。 1 1.~5.1±( うに,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 A 1. Why don't we have lunch ( )に適切な等位接続詞を入れなさい。 6.と7.は,各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるよ ) then go to a movie together? 2. “I'd like a hamburger, please.” “O.K. Is it for here ( ) to go?" 3. The weather forecast says it will rain, ( ) I'll take an umbrella with me. 4. I was so tired, ( ) I gave it another try. ) quiet. 5. He is not shy ( 6. (a) If you sign up for this course, you will take special classes. (b) ( ) up for this course, ( ) you will take special classes. ) you will stand out at the party. 7. (a) If you don't wear a suit, you will stand out at the party. (b) ( ) a suit, ( 2 [ 1. ]内から適切な接続詞を選び, 下線部に入れなさい。 ただし, それぞれ1回しか使えません。 2. Take a deep breath I miss the train, what should I do? 3. A cat ran out into the street 4. This sweater is actually cheap, 5. I'm not sure you start your speech. I was riding my bike. (it looks expensive. he told us the truth. [before /if/though / whether / while ] BC

解決済み 回答数: 3
国語 中学生


世 うつくしいものの話をしよう。 いつからだろう。ふと気がつくと、 うつくしいということばを、ためらわず 口にすることを、誰もしなくなった。 そうしてわたしたちの会話は貧しくなった。 うつくしいものをうつくしいと言おう 。 けいこく 風の匂いはうつくしいと。渓谷の 石を伝わってゆく流れはうつくしいと。 午後の草に落ちている雲の影はうつくしいと。 遠くの低い山並みの静けさはうつくしいと。 きらめく川辺の光はうつくしいと。 おおきな樹のある街の通りはうつくしいと。 行き交いの、なにげない挨拶はうつくしいと。 花々があって、奥行きのある路地はうつくしいと。 雨の日の、家々の屋根の色はうつくしいと。 太い枝を空いっぱいにひろげる おおいちょう 晩秋の古寺の大銀杏はうつくしいと。 冬がくるまえの、曇り日の、 南天の小さない実はうつくしいと。 コムラサキの、実のむらさきはうつくしいと。 過ぎてゆく季節はうつくしいと。 さらりと老いてゆく人の姿はうつくしいと。 一体、ニュースとよばれる日々の破片が、 わたしたちの歴史と言うようなものだろうか。 あざやかな毎日こそ、わたしたちの価値だ。 うつくしいものをうつくしいと言おう。 幼い猫とあそぶ一刻はうつくしいと。 シュロの枝を燃やして、灰にして、撒く。 何ひとつ永遠なんてなく、いつか すべて塵にかえるのだから、世界はうつくしいと。 作者 長田弘一九三九 (昭和一四) ―二〇一五 福島県出身。詩人。 著書 詩集「深呼吸の必要」 「心の中にもっている問題 出典 「世界はうつる

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


26 Unit 4 長文問題≫ もしも時間を戻せたら? ) able to change the past? If you 1 Do you ever wish you (1)( had (2) that ability, maybe you would spend more time practicing soccer, learn the instrument that you always wanted to play, study harder for that big test, or try to save more money for the future. 2 What would you do if you had the ability to turn back the clock? This was a question which Mr. Woodall, a high school teacher in Philadelphia, asked his students. Mr. Woodall wanted to know what was important to his students but was pleasantly surprised to see the results. I think their answers will be very interesting to you, too. 3 which were connected to Mr. Woodall expected to see answers (v)) the own good of the students, but (3) he was wrong. The majority of the which he received from his students were for the good of answers (5) others. 4 A very common answer he found was, "If I could turn back the clock, I would take back some things that I said to a friend." Apparently, many of the students regretted saying something (5)( ) hurt their friends and wanted to change that. Surprisingly, close to 40% of the students answered this way. 5 Another common answer was about pets. "(6) If I were able to turn back the clock, I would spend more time with my dog," or "(I would be nicer to my cat," were some common answers. Almost 25% of the students missed their pet very much and wanted to show more love. These pets included dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and other animals. 6 There were other answers about reading more books, studying harder, or eating less junk food. However, Mr. Woodall was quite impressed with his students and their concern for others. He decided to share all of the answers with his students, and the students enjoyed hearing the different answers. Mr. Woodall decided to try this activity with his students every year. By asking, he felt he would learn a lot about his students. Target ①関係代名詞 ②仮定法・間接疑問 turn back (時計を) 巻き戻す 問1 (1) (C pleasantly 心地よく good 問2 問3 い。 問 expected to 〜するだろうと思う majority t F (4 take back 取り消す apparently どうやら~らしい close to ~近く be nice to 〜にやさしい junk food ジャンクフード concern for 〜への気遣い、配慮

解決済み 回答数: 1