


英語 中学生


① 次の英文は、ALT のホワイト先生 (Ms. White) が,英語の授業で 「英語の学習方法」について話 をしたものです。よく読んで、 1~5の問いに答えなさい。 (注) textbook (s) = 参考書 both = 2人とも chance (s)=機会 you Do like English? We have four English classes in a week, and I think you study English hard in | breakfast every day. Do you my class. How do you study English at home? I study Japanese A know any useful ways to learn the language? I started to study Japanese at high school in Australia. Mary, my friend, started to study Japanese, too. We were 15 years old then. I studied Japanese by textbooks a lot, but Mary didn't use textbooks so much. She watched Japanese movies. Three years later, I could read and write Japanese, but speaking and listening were difficult for me. For Mary, speaking and listening were easy, but she couldn't read and write Japanese well. I thought that was interesting. So I started to speak and listen to more Japanese, and Mary started to read and write more. We also ② | them on the Internet. We sent e-mails and sometimes talked made some Japanese friends. We A And we have with them in Japanese on the Internet. Now Mary and I are both 24 years old, and we can use Japanese better than many Japanese friends. So we have many chances to talk in Japanese, and I think it is the most useful way to learn the language. There are many ways to learn English. I hope you'll try many ways and find a good way for you. 1 A には同じ英語が入ります。 当てはまる英語を1語で書きなさい。 2 ① ② にそれぞれ当てはまる語を下から選び、適当な形にかえて英語1語で書きなさい。 find show use take bring 3 次の文は,ホワイト先生が話をしたことについてまとめたものである。 空らん あ 当てはまる適当な英語を,本文からそれぞれ連続する 2語で抜き出して書きなさい。 い に Ms. White studied Japanese with textbooks, and Mary watched Japanese movies. Three years later, Ms. White could read and write Japanese, but speaking and listening were あ her. For Mary, speaking and listening were easy, but she couldn't read and write Japanese well. Ms. White hopes we will find a い to learn English. 4 本文の内容と合っているものを,次のア~エから一つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 アホワイト先生は,生徒たちは授業であまり熱心に勉強していないと思っている。 イ ホワイト先生は, 15歳のときから日本語を学んでいる。 ウホワイト先生は,日本人の友達とインターネットでときどき, 英語で話をした。 エホワイト先生は,参考書を使うのが言葉を学ぶための最も役立つ方法だと思っている。 5 本文の内容について,次の(1),(2)の問いに英語で答えなさい。 ただし、()内の語数指定に従 うこと。 (1) How many English classes do the students have in a week? (5) (2) Did Ms. White start to study Japanese when she came to Japan? (3語) 点の45 0 6 115

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英語 中学生

3.4枚目が問題文、5枚目が答え、1.2枚目は問題を解くときに必要な文です。 なぜこの答えになるのかがわからないので教えてください。 解くのは大変だと思うので、一問だけでも大丈夫です。

2 次は, 高校1年生の Yusuke が書いた英文です。 これを読んで、 問1~間6に答えなさい。*印 のついている語句には、本文のあとに 〔注〕があります。(34点) My father loves *dinosaurs and *fossils. He (he/them/in/collects/is/that/interested /so) dinosaur toys, small fossils and books about dinosaurs. I heard he tried to find fossils along the river with my grandparents when he was young. When I was younger, my family took me to the science museum every year. My father loved looking at the dinosaur fossils there, and he always explained them to me. So, I got interested in dinosaurs and fossils, too. My father has a restaurant near our house, and he displays some dinosaur teeth fossils in the restaurant. One day, he introduced one of his customers to me. The man, Mr. Shirai, also loved dinosaurs and fossils, and often visited museums all around the world, such as in America, Canada and China. He realized that my father was interested in the same things because of the fossils in the restaurant. They became good friends. One day in September, Mr. Shirai came to my father's restaurant and showed me a fossil. It was a beautiful fish fossil in a brown stone plate. I was surprised to see it, Mr. Shirai A me a lot about the fossil. He traveled to Germany to look for fossils, and he found many fossils there such as fish, animal bones and leaves. The area is very famous for "archaeopteryx fossils. I once saw a picture of the archaeopteryx fossil in a book, so I wanted to go to see the fossil in -4-

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英語 中学生

この問題で何故1、2は名詞の前がaで3はtheになるのでしょうか? 特定の物や周知しているもの、既知しているものにはtheを付けその他の数えられる名詞にはa anを付けることは理解しているのですがそれでもわからないので教えて頂きたいです。

次は、 Alex に紹介するものの候補です。 ①〜③の写真から2つを選んで番号を()に書き, 例を参考にして、それを Alex に紹介する英文を書こう。 books ① print festival M ③ movie. 「ノルウェイの森」 著:村上春樹 提供: 講談社 村上春樹が1987年に書いた 葛飾北斎が作っ 「神奈川沖浪裏』 ©浅草神社 多くの人が毎年楽し 例 This is a book that Murakami Haruki wrote in 1987. 多くの人が2019年に見た! 「天気の子 これは村上春樹が1987年 に書いた本です。 ( ① )(例) This is a print that Katsushika Hokusai made. (②) (例) This is a festival that many people enjoy every year. CAN-DO 自己表現のマルつけコーナー 別解1 ② についてほかの表現で紹介している。 別解 3 that を使わ This is a print Ke This is a festival that [which] a lot of (これは葛飾北斎が作っ people go to see. (これは多くの人が見に行く祭りです。) 別解2 ③について紹介している。 This is the movie that [which] many [a lot ofl people saw [watched] in 2019. (これは2019年に多くの人が見た映画です。) This is a festival year. (これは多くの人が毎年 This is the movic saw [watched] in (これは2019年に多くの

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英語 中学生

(1)の答えがchoosing、(2)の答えがウ、(5)の答えがアで、それぞれなんでその答えになるのかと、 5⃣の本文を上から4行、4行、5行、4行、3行、2行で分けた時それぞれに題名を付けるとしたらどうなりますか? 教えて欲しいですm(_ _)m

5 次の英文を読んで, あとの問いに答えなさい。 <川越東改> Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper. To do origami, the artist starts with a square piece of paper. Some people like to use special origami paper that is two colors. The front of the paper is one color, and the back of the paper is another color. Other people like to use origami paper that has patterns on it. After ①(choose) your paper, you can find many instructions for folding the paper into different things. Many people enjoy (make) origami flowers, animals, or things ( 3 ). For all of these things, there are a few kinds of folds that you need to use. For example, sometimes you need to fold the paper in half. Sometimes, the paper must be folded from corner to corner. If you follow the directions carefully, you can create a beautiful paper flower or animal. However, origami is more than folding paper. First, origami is an important part of Japanese life. For example, nature is important in Japan. In Japan, people care about the seasons, weather, water, or other things in nature. Origami is also a part of nature. That is why the most popular origami shapes are things like animals. Birds, fish, flowers, and stars are all popular shapes. It is a quiet activity, and can calm the mind and body. People who do origami like the activity as much as the art. They like it because origami demands a lot of attention. When people think hard about creating something, they forget about their problems. This allows them ④ to calm down. ⑤ Origami is also good for teaching children. They also learn to work carefully. Also, origami has squares and triangles. These shapes are important in all kinds of learning. Origami helps children to learn about these shapes. Maybe you can try to do origami yourself. You only need some paper and a book of instructions. You can find instructions for many origami shapes on the Internet. instruction direction (1)①,②の( )内の語を適する形にかえなさい。 (2) 30( に適するものを, ア~エから1つ選びなさい。 (3) (4) 7 to paint with 1 to talk with 1 (2) making. to play with I to help with (イ) ④に適するものを,ア~エから1つ選びなさい。 Origami is also easy to learn. 1 Origami is also good for your imagination. Origami is also difficult to learn. I Origami is also good for your mind. ⑤にはA~Cの文が入ります。 自然な流れの文章になる配列を, ア~エから1つ選びなさい。 A Children must follow these steps exactly. B First, origami has many steps. C This way, children can learn to follow instructions. ア A-B-C イ A-C-B B-A-C I B-C-A (5)本文の内容にあうものを, ア~エから1つ選びなさい。 If you follow some instructions for paper folds, you can enjoy many different origami shapes. Learning origami gives us a good chance to help animals on the earth. You may feel tired if you try hard to do origami carefully. I The most important thing for children's education is origami. (土)

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英語 中学生


1・2年 129 単元別入試対策 ●基本例文 ● 1 She told me an interesting story. ③ That is her pen and this is mine. 彼女は私におもしろい話をしてくれました。 あれは彼女のペンで,これは私のものです。 I lost my pen, so I have to buy a new one. 私はペンをなくしたので、 新しいものを買わなければなりません。 1人称代名詞所有代名詞・再帰代名詞 単数 複数 ~を/に〜のもの 再帰代名詞 ~自身 主格 所有格 ~は/が 〜の ~を/に 〜のもの 目的格所有代名詞 再帰代名詞 ~自身 主格 所有格 目的格所有代名詞 ~は/が 〜の 1人称 I my me mine 2人称 you your you yours he his him his myself yourself you himself we our us ours ourselves your you yours yourselves 3人称 she her her hers it its it herself they itself their theirs them themselves adol 人称代名詞は,主格所有格・目的格の3つの形があり、人称と数(単数・複数)によって変化する。所有代名 詞は「~のもの」という意味で1語で〈所有格名詞> を表す。 再帰代名詞は「~自身」という意味を表す。 例 She told me an interesting story. (彼女は私におもしろい話をしてくれました。)→1989 2 指示代名詞 this that these those 単数形 this (これは,これ,この) 近くのもの人を指す 遠くのもの人を指す that (あれはあれ、あの) 複数形 blis these (これらは,これら,これらの) those (あれらは, あれら, あれらの ) 例 That is her pen and this is mine (= my pen). (あれは彼女のペンで,これは私のもの(=私のペン)です。)→② til vehave 101 190g nist 3 不定代名詞:some・any (every ・no) 不特定のものを漠然と指す すべてのものを指す some/any (いくつか、いくらか) (肯・疑), (何も~ない) [杏] every (すべての〜 存在しないことを表す *no (少しも 全く~ない) something/anything (何か) 〔昔・疑), (何も~ない) [杏] everything (すべてのもの) nothing (何も~ない) someone/anyone (だれか) 〔青・疑〕, (だれも~ない) [杏] everyone (だれでも,みな) no one [nobody] ( だれも~ない) 不特定の人やものおよび一定でない数量を表す代名詞を不定代名詞という。 表中で some および any は,単数・ 複数両方扱い。 その他の語はふつう単数扱いである。 ※ every, no は代名詞ではなく形容詞。 肯定文中の some, something, someone は, 否定文 疑問文中ではふつう any, anything, anyone になる 4 it と不定代名詞 one it 前に出た名詞と同一の I lost my watch, so I'm looking for it now. ものを指す ( (私は時計をなくしたので, それ(=私の時計) を今, 探しているところです。) 前に出た名詞と同じ種類の I lost my pen, so I have to buy a new one. one 不特定のもの(人) を指す (私はペンをなくしたので、 新しいもの (=ペン) を買わなければなりません。) 不定代名詞の one (もの, 人)は、 前に1度出た名詞がくり返されるとき その名詞の代わりに用いる。 one, it ともに単数 の名詞を受ける。 複数の名詞を受ける場合はそれぞれ ones, they を用いる。 5 その他の不定代名詞 each (それぞれ) 単数扱い Each of us has an idea. (私たちのそれぞれが考えを持っています。) | another (もう1人 [1つ] 別の人 [もの]) This is another of his cars. (これは彼のもう1台の車です。) others (他人 [他のもの] 複数扱い both (両方(とも)) Some are kind and others are not. (親切な人もいればそうでない人もいる。) 単数・複数 両方扱い several (何人か [いくつか] all (みな [すべて]) |Both of them are kind. (彼らは両方とも親切です。) | Several of them were absent. (彼らの何人かは欠席でした。) All of the boys are from Tokyo. (その少年たちはみな東京出身です。) All of the money is hers. (そのお金はすべて彼女のものです。)

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