


英語 中学生


次は,高校生の真希(Maki) と, クラスメートの一郎 (Ichiro) 夕紀 (Yuki), そして,ベー コー先生 (Mr. Baker) との授業中の会話である。 英文を読んで 1,2の問いに答えなさい。 barbecue=バーベキュー grandparents = 12 (注) volunteer= ボランティア chance = Mr. Baker Hello, everyone. Summer vacation is coming soon. What are you going to do during the summer vacation? Maki, please tell us about your plans. : 1 I'm in the basketball club, and I like playing basketball and talking with my club members very much. We'll have more time for club activities during summer vacation, so I'll do my best to become a better player. That's nice. Ichiro, how about you? 2 First, I'm going to stay with a family in Canada for two weeks. I've never been abroad, so I'm very excited. Next, I'm going to work as a volunteer in the summer festival. I did it last year, and it was a lot of fun. Third, I'll work This year, I want to enjoy talking with people of different ages. hard in the science club. I'll be I'm very interested in all of these things. busier than last summer, but I'm sure I can learn more through these experiences. Yuki, what will you do this summer? Good. I can't usually do that because I'm very busy with school activities every day. During the vacation. I'll have a barbecue with my family at home. I'm also going to visit my grandparents with my family. They'll show us how to fish in the sea. From these experiences. I hope I'll learn a lot of things. Mr. Baker: Great. Thank you, everyone. I think you should enjoy events that you can take part in only during summer vacation. Summer vacation is a good chance for you to spend a lot of time with your family, friends, or many other people. I hope you'll have a lot of wonderful experiences this summer. Maki Mr. Baker Ichiro Mr. Baker Yuki : f

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

英語分からないので教えてください🙇‍♀️ お願いします🙇‍♀️

長文問題 1 決めるのは君だ! What is the best way to improve your English? ( A ) is no In fact, people have different opinions about this. Some people say, "Increase your vocabulary easy answer to this question. by memorizing lots of words." Other people say, “X単に文法と翻訳だ けを勉強しなさい。” 2 What do you do to improve your English? Do you (1 English songs? Do you (r you (w a diary in English. 3 If you want to improve your English, you have to communicate in English. Studying vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening to English material, and writing in English are all very important. At the same time, you need to realize that (2) doing these will not automatically make a good communicator of English. If you want to be able to communicate in English well, you have to experience actual live conversations. 2 1 Unit ) to ) novels or magazines in English? Maybe English videos on the internet or even ( k ) Target ① be 動詞・一般動詞 ② 進行形・命令文 ③比較 improve 上達させる in fact 実際に increase 増やす vocabulary grammar and translation 文法と翻訳 material at the same time でもやはり actual live conversation 現実のなまの会話 4 Y あなたは今, 尋ねていますか, “What does it mean to have actual live conversations?" This means that you need to take every opportunity to speak English. (3) Don't say, "I don't have any opportunities to speak English." You live in a world with endless possibilities. 5 (B) are so many tourists from all around the world in Japan now. Also, people from other countries live in Japan. When you see them, why not strike up a conversation? (4) When you don't know where they are from, you can use English. ZEALADAT. They will be happy to speak with you. 6 The internet has opened up the world to you as well. With e-mail and social media, you can get in touch with people all over the world. Guess what language comes in handy? That's right! It's (5) ). 7 You can always speak with your English teachers at school. (6)Speak with them in English not only during class time but also during other times of the day. You may have other friends who want to practice English like you. Create an English conversation club. Maybe an English teacher will help you. opportunity endless 無限の strike up 始める social media ソーシャルメディア get in touch with ~ ~と連絡をとる come in handy 役に立つ

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


A 日本語の意味を表すように,( )内から適切な語(句)を選びなさい。 →進行形(be動詞+ 動詞のing形) 1. The children( play / are playing ) soccer now. ●「(今)~している」と 現在のことを表すと きは,現在形のbe動 詞(am, are, is) を 用いる。 (→例文①) ●「~していた」と過去 のことを表すときは, 過去形のbe動詞(was, were)を用いる。 (→例文2) (子供たちは今,サッカーをしています。) 2. He(takes / is taking ) a shower now. (彼は今,シャワーを浴びています。) 3. I(studied/ was studying) English then. (私はその時,英語を勉強していました。) → ingのつけ方 1) listen→listening 2) take→taking 3) get→getting 4) run→running B[ ]内の指示に従ってなおし, 空所に適切な1語を入れなさい。 1. Daisuke is cleaning his room now. [疑問文に] his room now? →疑問文と否定文 (大輔は今,自分の部屋を掃除していますか。) 2. You were sleeping during class. [否定文に] during class. 疑問文 ●be動詞を文頭に置く。 (→例文 3O) 否定文 ●be動詞のあとにnot を置く。 (→例文 ⑤) You (あなたは授業中に眠っていませんでした。) 3. Aya makes her lunch every day. [every dayをnowにかえた文に] her lunch now. Aya (彩は今,自分の昼食を作っています。)

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 中学生

至急!!!!! この問題を教えてください🙏

読解力をつけよう 516 Words 目標6分 ◆次の英文は、高校生の次郎(Jiro) さんが、 英語の授業中に自分の祖父(grandfather)について発表したもので す。これを読んで、 あとの間いに答えなさい。 My grandfather is great. I'm going to talk about him. He always tries to study new things. After retiring from his job, he has studied sign language, calligraphy and so on. Now he is studying how to use computers. He also studies English hard. He likes studying very much. First, I'll tell you about him and computers. There was already one computer in my house, We used it to do many things. But my grandfather never tried to use it. One day I got a ticket for a trip 5 for him on the computer. He said, “Thanks. I'm surprised. It is very easy to get a ticket on the R (徳島改) computer!" I said, "Yes, it is." A few weeks later, I was using the computer to make my report with some pictures. My grandfather came to me, and said, “You have made your report with pictures. It is very good and beautiful." OHe became interested in computers. 10 He started to study how to use computers in a class for senior citizens, and bought some books about computers. He also bought a new computer. He enjoyed the class, and he studied for about two hours every day. When he first began to study, he couldn't use computers well, so he asked me many questions. Now he can use computers better than me and enjoys using them. He can get tickets for his trips or look for good hospitals on the Internet. On the computer, he can make leaflets with pictures and is also going to make a web page for the senior citizens group in his town. When he showed the leaflet he made to the members of the group, 15 they said, “You've made it! It is very wonderful and beautiful." He was very happy to hear that. My grandfather said to me, “I'm going to make a web page for the group. I want to study more about computers to make a good web page. When we learn more, we can do more.” Now he is trying to 20 make it. Next, I want to tell you about (2my grandfather and English. He traveled to Canada with his friends last year. When he came back, he showed me many pictures of Canada, and said, “I enjoyed visiting many beautiful places. When I went shopping, I tried to use English. It was difficult for me to speak English, but I tried it. I was very happy because the clerk understood me. If I can speak English 25 better, I can enjoy the trip more. I've decided to study English every day.” He studies English very hard. He repeats English words and sentences he has learned from books and CDs. He said, “This is a good way for me to study English. I want to go to many countries and talk with people in English." He said, “I like and enjoy studying new things because I can get different ideas and new information. 30 That makes my life fruitful. It is interesting for me to study.” I think his words are true. I want to enjoy studying new things as he does. | retire (retiring) 退職する senior citizen (s) 高齢の人 sign language 手話 calligraphy 書道 report レポート leaflet(s) ちらし web page ホームページ clerk 店員 sentence(s) 文 fruitful 実り多い

解決済み 回答数: 1