


ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


1 see 2 do 3 drink 13 fall 4 bring 14 fly 5 sing 15 take 6 make- 16 give 3b Grammar • Present perfect vs Present perfect continuous 1 Write the past participles of these verbs. * 11 arrive - 12 swim- • have been - have gone 3 Fill in the gaps with have/has been or have/ 1 has gone. * A: Is Patrick there? B: No, he supermarket. 2 A: David speaks Spanish very well. B: That's because he 1 to the 2 to Spain many times, 3 A: Can I talk to the kids? B: I'm afraid they aren't here. They 5 เค 7 catch 17 read to the park. 8 ring 18 hear 4 A: Where's Jack? 9 leave - 19 find B: He's not here. He 10 feed 20 come to his friend's house. 22 (just/come) (not/be) to Spain yet. (shop) 3 Jane all morning and now she's feeling tired. (live) 4 She in Ireland since 1999. 4 5 The author (write) 1 a lot of best-selling novels. They haven't booked their places at the camp already / yet. 6 (he/buy) 2 She has for / just come in. gifts for everyone? 3 Julie has yet / already gone to sleep. 7 Kim (win) 4 It hasn't rained just / for three weeks. two gold medals so far. 5 8 Peter (not/call) yet. Don't come in here! I've just / yet cleaned the floor! 9 (you/find) 10 the car keys? a table for Dad's birthday? (Peter/book) 6 He hasn't been to his grandparents' house already/since last summer. 7 Ed has lived in Russia for / since 1995. 8 11 12 How long in this company? WORKBOOK (you/wait) long? (John/work) Has Frank left yet / just? 9 I haven't talked to him since / for days. 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the present perfect continuous. * 1 Harry home. 2 We 6 A: Where do you want to go today? do B: Let's go to the zoo. We not long time. there for a • just - yet - already - since - for Circle the correct words. ✶ 5 A: Have you visited Rome? B: No, I haven't. But my sister there. She left a week ago.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Simple Past Tense 1. "1 "How long 2. It 3. "1 4. "Have you got Henry's new address?" " (not know). I 7. " (you ever be) to the USA?" "Yes, I _(you stay)?" "A month." "1" (just, stop) raining. (you take) the dog out yet?" "Yes, I (come) home." 5. I'm not very well. I 6. "My son (he change) his address? I (send) a letter to him at the old address last week". (eat and drink) too much. (not start) work yet, he is still at University." "How long (he be) at University?" "He (be) there three years. Before that he (spend) five years at the High School in Park street. (you ever be) to Disneyland ?" "Yes, I "1 _(spend) a week in Paris with my children. It 8. " (the kids have) fun at the fair?" "Oh, yes! They themselves a lot and they 9. "I can't drive. I anywhere?" "No, sorry. Perhaps you 10. "I 15. Who 11. driving license yet. He 12. " and she here when she see her very much, I 13. "Where _(lose) my glasses. (have) two cups an hour ago and I (go) there last summer." (you like) it?" (take) him out when I (you see) them (leave) them at the theatre." (just make) some tea. Would you like some?" "No, thanks. I (just have) a coffee with Tim." (not receive) his (Tom pass) his driving test?" "Yes, but he _(drive) my car twice. He's a good driver." (Joan call yet) ?" "Yes, she _(ring) three times this morning (already ring) twice this afternoon." "I'm sorry I _(not be) (call). (she leave) a message?" "Yes, she (say) that she couldn't come to the party tonight." "Oh, what a pity! I wanted to (not see) her for the last two months. (you be) ?" "I (not want) to come back home". 14. "This book sounds interesting. Who (you see) ?" "Murder in Crete. (never hear) of it. _(go) out. _(go) there last year, when I (be) fantastic." (enjoy) (be) to the cinema with Joe." "What (you see) it?" "No, I (you like) it?" (write) it?" "A new novelist. It already (sell) 300,000 copies." "Can I borrow it?" "It's not mine. It's Jennifer's." (she read) it?" "I think so" (take) my notebook? I (leave) it on this shelf when I

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

The sun heats the earth in the tyres and this heat is stored and slowly release. แปลว่าอะไรหรอคะ

An Earthshiอ = Well, back in the 1970s the first Earthship was designed and built by an architect named Mike Reynolds. He Imagine a home that is made from waste and yet doesn't produce any. Sounds out of this world, doesn't itp) Aง P -The Perfect Green Home wanted to create an environmentally friendly house that would generate its own electricity and heatingมร local materials and recycled products. The first Earthship was built using car tyres, earth, cans and bottles. Today, anyone canท order an Earthshin i- apackage and build it themselves. The package contains everything that is needed except the tyres. But don' Worry. They can be found at most local dumps!! The tyres are used as the Earthship's bricks. They are placed in the shape that you want the house to be and then they are filled with earth. This is the basis of the house's heating system. The sun heats the earth in the tyres and this heat is stored and slowly released. Heat from the sun is also used to create electricity, and rainwater is filtered and stored in tanks under the house. Dirty water from the kitchen and bathroom is also filtered and reused for the toilet. The Earthship is the dream green home. It costs close to nothing, it will be built very quickly and there aren't any bills to pay. So why don't you 15 think about building your own Earthship and help protect the Earth? 1rubbish heaps

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

มีใครพอจะช่วยได้ไหมคะข้อที่4กับ5ค่ะ 🙇🏻‍♀️ ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าจริงๆค่ะ💌

4 Write statements in the present perfect with for or since. 1. | not done snapchat / last July. 6 Complete Pim's list for her online news show. Use the present perfect or past simple. - Ton hurt his arm this morning. He has ..havent.4one.anapahat.since.lสst.July. 2. People / know / about the Amazon River / (1) meve hurt.า (nอver / hurt) his arm กmany years. betore. (2) John (eat) insects yesterday. He's never eaten insects before, 3. We / not See / our COนsins / 2012. | had a Taekwondo lesson last Tuesday. | (3) (never / do) 4. Americans /watch/ movies/ Taekwondo before. OVer a hundred years Saly (4) (tidy) her bedroom this Wednesday. She didท't tidy her bedroom all year! 5. 1/ not blog / monthร My mother (5) (send) an email yesterday. She haรn't sent 6. Email/ be / around/ the 1990s. one before. Saly's dad went to a movie on Friday. He (6) (never / be) to Vocabulary E) a movie. 5 Write the past participles of these verl Writing See write 7 Write afew sentences about your life. fall make buy hurt find eat Win Send learn have break 04 Present perfect vs. Past simple 11 จาก 11 When we use past simple we Say a tinme in the past whereas we use present perfect to รay an action happened at นทspecied time before now. Unit 4 The Worid of Mwctia |37

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