


ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

ใครทำได้บ้างคะแงง วิชาภาษาอังกฤษหลักค่ะ TT

ฟoter FReezes if #pe temperatore Goes below O'C. I WILL CHeNGe +the wifi passord it o DON'T D0 hornedork. FอKTY เF + PReseNT SIMPLE , พILL + C23ouonik wped# , (F + PReseNT SIMPLE pgeseNr S(MPLE ReeoLTar ReaLwa SeNreNces เขียนประโยคโดยใช้เงื่อนไขที่ 0 A) Write zero conditional sentences, using these words. 1 when / Stan / finish / his homework early / he / play / video games 2 if / I/ not have / money /I/stay at home 3 when / it / snow / we / not go / outside 4 |/ always / lose / when / I / play chess / with Dan 5 Kyle / wake up / late / if / his alarm / not go / off B) Complete the sentences with the first condi เติมประโยคให้สมบูรณ์โดยใช้เงื่อนไขแบบที่ 1 1 If you buy the puzzle, I | (help) you do it. (come) for a visit this weekend, 2 If Grandma we will play cards. 3 | the money for one. (buy) a new toy dinosaur if Mum gives me 4 If they (not get) here soon, we'll leave without them. 5 Gerard will save us a seat at the theatre if we (ask) him to. 6 If they don't clean this pool, I here again. (not swim) (cook) some pizza if you are hungry Iater. | (not do) her homework properly this 7 | 8 If Sarah time, Dad will be realy annoyed.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


)) (Curriculum Connection Life Science / Health Reading 1.19 ปhat do you know about the two fruits in the pictures? FHuits from Asia The kiwi fruit is originally from China. The small oval-shaped fruit (ets its name from the native bird of New Zealand, the kiwi. Both the ir and bird have fuzzy brown skin. Inside, the fruit is bright green with ยiny black seeds. It tastes like a combination of a strawberry, a melon, and a banana. But the kiwi is much more than an exotic fruit. According to recent studies, the kiwi has the most nutrients of all fruits. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, and it is good for colds and asthma. Studies show that kiwi can help children with breathing problems and coughs. Kiwis also help reduce the fats in one's blood, and so they help keep the heart healthy. The mangosteen is native to Southeast Asia. On the outside, the fruit is a reddish purple color and has a small green crown near the stem. The fruit is white on the inside. The mangosteen tastes like a combination of strawberry and peach, and it is sweet and sour. The people of Southeast Asia use the mangosteen for medicinal purposes. The skin is used to treat infections, reduce pain, and control fever. A tea made from the rind is also good for stomach problems. Powder from the dried fruit is used for skin diseases. It's not Surprising people in Thailand call it the Queen of Fruits. About the Reading Complete the information. kiwi mangosteen looks/appearance taste good for ... World Link Find out about fruits and their health benefits. Choose one and present your findings to the class.

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