B: พite the 9ords In the corect_form.
1. There are three
(apple) on the plate.
2. Td the to taste these
3. Nould gou the these
4. he
4. Thts
(cheese) Is too salty.
5. Ho) much
(ผater) Is there โn the botte?
6. I usually drtnk
(milh) In the morning.
7. Do you llhe
8. How much
(money) have gou got?
นี่ เนื่อไม่ 6
9. This
(meat) ไsnt fresh.
10. There are many
(tomato) ไn thts salad.
11. I dont eat
(butter) at al.
12. This
(coffee) ts aufu.
13. How mang
(banana) Jould uou like?
14. All her
(dress) are beauttful.
15. Put some
(salt Into uour Soup.
๒.Class. No.-
เDate. Teacher.