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回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

至急です! 2,3,4がわからないです。 教えていただけると嬉しいです

5 久星(Mars)について書かれた次の英文を読んで、12.3. 4の問いに答えなさい。 Mars. *Scientists have [ J the “planet for a long time. Do you know anything about it? There are a lot of interesting things about Mars. Ine highest mountain on Mars is about 27.000 meters high, and it is higher Earth has the only one *moon, but Mars has Mars. ア than the highest mountain on Earth. イ two moons. ウ also say that they looked blue. If that is true. Mars at that time looked like Eartn. n 1969, America sent people to our moon. Now some countries are trying to send peopie to Mars. But sending people there needs a lot of monev. Some people don't think ulat Spending a lot of money to do that is good. Thev sav that we should spend that money for the Earth. On the Earth, we have a lot of problems. For example, *global warming is a big problem. If we do nothing about it. the Earth may become like Mars. We エ Can think about the future of our planet by watching Mars. What can we do for the future 910 102 odi baaru Tolaegi Itedvollov ord F of the Earth? Let's think about it. Lnt 29 【注)*may ~==~かもしれない scientist=科学者*planet=惑星 llo "moon=月 VE*billion= 10億*global warming=地球温暖化 aisq s tlgl sA tt onng ol 本文中の[m ]に入る語として,最も適切なものはどれか。00g 6 berl siblA S9 TO1 alg P'abhoう8A 11 る ア lookeds イ arrived エ studied made 2)本文中の ア から |のいずれかに次の1文が入る。最も適切な位置はどれか。 ne tor the teant エ But people can't live there now. hen Lhoc 3ノ下線部の理由は何か。日本語で書きなさい。 4)本文を通して, 筆者が最も伝えたいことはどれか。 ア Mars is a very interesting planet. Tnbors doo イ We should think about the future of the Earth. ウ Global warming on the Earth is a big problem. エ Scientists want to live on Mars.

解決済み 回答数: 1