


英語 中学生

解答解説がなく、困っています。 赤丸(大問②⑤⑥、大問④の小問2)のところについて、回答、解説教えていただきたいです🙇‍♀️

4 次の英文は、英語の授業の課題として, 中学3年生の研翔(Kento)が書いた英文です。これを読 んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 I'm going to write about my experience. Ahn the ル ついて書皿 My father started living in London five years ago. When I 母は5年間ロンドンに住んでいた。 was eleven, my mother and I went there to live with my father. さいの A 1242 = 12 115 We lived in London for three years. Yan x Last month, my family came back to Japan. 先月 121. We were living with my father in London, so I was ti ) at 私たちは父と住んでいた。 だから、暴れる悲しかった first. But I worried about school because I couldn't speak English well. There were a lot of students from other countries at school in London. Some of them spoke English very well, and others didn't. But they always looked happy when they were talking Little by little I learned English through talking with the other 10 students. I started to feel that speaking English was not a big problem. together. B One day, an American student came to talk to me. He said, "Hi. My name is Kent Jones. Your name is the same as mine, right?" "Yes," I said, “Our names are almost the same. We use kanji.” I wrote my name in kanji. I said, "This is my name. means studying, and 'to' means flying." Kent said, "Wow, that's a cool name." and I became good friends and often visited each other's families. 'Ken' Kent 15 C I Kent's father often took me to nice spots in and around London. found that Kent ew a lot about the history of London. He taught me a lot about the culture there. I really enjoyed talking with his family. However, there was a problem. Kent's family liked Japan and wanted to know more 20 about it. When they asked me about Japanese culture such as food or history, D I was sad. I realized I didn't know many things about my country. realized I had to learn more about Japanese culture. After I came back to Japan, I continued to talk with Kent on the internet. My English is getting better, but I should learn more about my own country. I'm going to study hard 25 about Japanese history and talk to Kent about it. I hope we will meet in Japan someday. (2) () London F month A at first 最初は American アメリカ人の the same as ~ ~と同じ each other おたがい take ~を連れていく spot taught teach however しかしながら own 自分自身の someday いつか internet インターネット I also little by little 少しずつ through ~を通して almost ほとんど fly knew know(~だとわかっている)の過去形 ask ~にたずねる realize 〜だと実感する

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