


英語 中学生


1各文の下線部の語句は S, V, O, Cのどれにあたるか, 下線部の下に書き入れなさい。A 1. We play badminton during lunch breaks l evg oH 2 After meals my dog sleeps for three or four houra 3. The view from the room is beautiful g oi 1od gH gainB led tdguod o 2「 ]内から動詞を選び,英文を完成させなさい。 BGO He Rwas gj 1. There five rooms in my house. 文 0Ov 8) at 7 every morning. a journalist. his phone number? 2. The bells 3. My aunt omid gob uo lleg eW S 4. Do you 0 5. your textbook to page 5. ぶ (0) 日() [open / ring / is / are / remember ] 0-0 )内の語句を並べベかえて英文を完成させ, 文型が SV, SVC, SVOのどれであるか を答えなさい。 3( ai gob w0) BCD 1.(a/ was / pet shop / there ) here before. 2.(my / broke / cup / I / favorite ). 3.(in /a teacher / became / she ) 2001. vsb y19ve loog edt mi arni 4.(sat / in / he / the chair / down ). 5. (looks / with / the result / happy / he). Jsdt fa perddola 19d 4 日本語に合うように, ( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成させなさい。 1. パーティーにはたくさん人がいましたか。 (at / many / there / the party / were / people )? [ 。Sdil sda 8e.a 2. 彼は服を着替え,部屋を出た。 (left / and / his clothes / changed / he / the room ). ま 3. そのボートは4人が乗るには小さそうだ。 (people / small / seems / the boat / four / for ). (憶曲) 191em ert b9aaupaih oW.a O tia ngsla dgisate bmesa T 19dtsow aidt basta f'ano 1.8 天い 動 1 mord otnub tipolo Use あなたが普段の生活で行うことを, 3つ書いてみよう。 (例)Tusually get up at 6:45. I ride my bike to school with my friends. I take a bath after it dinner. OT 0 文型と動詞の Lesson2

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