


英語 中学生


Target Unit 3 長文間題I 睡眠がもたらすカ の不定詞 の動名詞 の助動詞 の分詞 6関係代名詞 1 Do you ever fall asleep during class? What happens? Perhaps, Do you ever ~? ~することがあります you are scolded by your teacher. How about at home? Do you ever か? fall asleep 眠り込む are scolded 叱られる take naps 仮眠する afterward その後 following 次の catching a few z's うとうとすること take naps? Hqw do you feel afterward? You will be happy o(read) the following information. Many scientists now say that catching a few z's can improve your performance. (1) You must be so happy to hear this, so let's continue. Actually, this is important news for (2)people who have jobs 2 that require high levels of concentration. Can you think of such require ~を必要とする concentration 集中(力) surgeon 外科医 on the night shift 夜勤で air traffic controller 航 空(交通)管制官 focus on ~ ~に集中(する lack of ~の不足 result in ~をもたらす get together 協力する experiment 実験する jobs? Surgeons, hospital staff e (work) on the night shift, and air traffic controllers are just a few. These people must focus on their jobs at all times. Concentrating is so important in their profession. A lack of focus could result in serious accidents. 3 In the United States, a group of scientists got together and experimented on two groups of university students. One group was asked to study the names of 50 countries and the flags of those countries for 5 hours in a row. The other group was asked in a row 続けて 3 (do) the same, but they took a short nap after three hours. (3) Results got from these experiments were simple and clear. Which group had better results? By now, you should know. The by now そろそろ second group had much better results. The first group could remember about 45% of the information, but the second group got The scientists decided o (repeat) the close to 70% correct. experiment several times on different people, but the results were always the same. Taking short naps improved people's memories. Sleeping can help improve our performance, but the best way to deal with g (become) sleepy during the day is to get enough sleep the night before. You may like to sleep in class, but I havea piece of advice for you. Get plenty of sleep the night before. Getting 4 deal with ~ ~に対処する plenty of たくさん enough sleep will give you lots of energy to spend at school. (4) You need energy to learn and play. Lots of learning and playing will give you a good night's sleep.

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