

【不定詞・動名詞 C】次の(内の語句を意味が通るように並び替えなき い。 (1) ( there / to / they / meet / promised ). (2) (reed / nothing / to / he / interesting / hs ). (3) ( dinner / like / [ / cooking / feel ). (4) ( me / osked / to / together / soccer / she / plzy ). (5) ( enoogh / to / live / me / Iafge / this heuse / jn / js / for ) (6) ( to / to / they / see / come / wont / me ).
(1) They begzn to tech English to her. Me were surprised to her the news. ブン イ、 She hos to_prectice the Violin. ウ、 He went to the lbrery to_ meet her. エ I hope to be a doctor in the future. (2) Everyone cgme to see me. み 3 ア、 Our tezcher wanted to go to Europe. イ、 Me hove no time to see the movie. ウ、 She was sgd to read this book. エ、「hey get up early to gso to school. She wonted to hove something cold to eat. ア、「hey ove to_plzy with her dog. イ、 Me need o house to live jn. 』 クウ、 He needs to do his homework at once. |。 エ、 You vere so glzd to meet her. | His porents were so器2d to receive his letter. ア、 We are sorry to be 2te for school. イ。「hey decjded to study English very hard. E。 To be Z good doctor, he studied very hord. It is difficult to moe ffjends。 時 の We were hoppy to get much money. ウ、 He needs something to write with. 、 You ggreed to go to the hospital. 、「here ore o lot of pl2ces to _see jn Hokkoido. 、 5he precticed bskretball to be 2 good pl2yer。 2 > ゝ 【不定詞・動名詞H】 下線部と同じ不定詞の用法のものをアーエの中から選びなさい。 また何的用法も書きなさい。
・動名詞 [】 律答用紙の例になちって、次の文の間違いのある個所に下線を引き、正し く直しなさい。間違いの 合は下線を引かずに〇を書きなさい。 ey wil enjoy to play soccer very much. je ore looking forword to meeting your brother. om was sorich thot he con buy e new sofo. Does he hove ony friends to tolk? his book js so difficult thot I cont read.
英語 不定詞 動名詞


