


英語 中学生

問2についてです。 そこでラケットを買うことが出来ますか?を英語にする時、 Can I buy any rackets there?でも正解ですか? 答えにはCan I buy a racket there?って書いてました

を見て、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Bill's Tennis School Bill's Tennis School will start on April 3rd. Let's play tennis together! We have 2 courses. (Course 1 and Course 2 ) Course 1 5:00 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Course 2 Saturday and Sunday 8:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. How much does it cost? Course 1: $40 for one month Course 2: $60 for one month *You should pay the money at the first lesson every month. *If you join both Course 1 and Course 2, you will get a $10 discount. Other information: Please bring your tennis shoes and a racket. We have a shop at our school. *If you want to join our tennis lessons, Green Station Green Park Post Office ★ Bookstore Hospital Bill's Tennis School is here! please call the school! Phone: OOO (注) course:コース cost (費用がかかる $ドル pay: 支払う discount: 51 問1 次のア~エのうち、広告の内容に合うものを1つ選び、その符号を書きなさい。 Bill's Tennis School is in front of Green Station and next to the post office. If you want to go to tennis lessons in the morning, you should choose Course 2 If you want to practice on Tuesday and Sunday, you have to pay $100 You should pay money in March to join the tennis lessons. 問2 次の対話文は、 あなた (A) と Bill's Tennis Schoolの職員(B)が電話で話しているものです。 に入る英語を語以上で書きなさい。 が成り立つように,( A: Excuse me. May I ask you a question? B: Sure. What is it? A: I know that you have a shop at your tennis school. ( B: Yes. You can choose from many kinds of rackets. A: I'm happy to hear that. Thank you. )? (問題はこれで終わ - 9 -

解決済み 回答数: 1