


国語 中学生

ケニアの森林が減った理由について、 30字いないで答えなさいの問題で私は ケニアに住む人が増え土地を覆っていた木を伐採したため。 とかにました。ピンになりますか??

|2 次の英文は, ワンガリ ·マータイ (Wangari Maathai) さんと, グリーンベルト運動 (the Green Belt number of people who lived there.. It wasincreasing every year. More people were cutting down the trees which covered_the land, They used them for *firewood when they cooked food So the forests in Kerya cannot get the firewood they need either. Forests also give food to many kinds of animals. They save the bare. The bare land cannot hold water, and cannot produce enough vegetables for the people. The people (anc Forests can hold a lot of water. If the trees in forests are cut down, the land becomes Maathai wanted to protect the forests in Kenya. She had an idea to make a group of people to plant trees. 第3回 cOvered こあかり Movement)について書かれています。各問いに答えなさい。 When she went back to Kenya, she got a shock. One of the *causes was the studied *biology in the U.S. when she was a young woman. In those days, the forests in Kenya were becoming smaller year after yeau 5 became much smaller while she was abroad. lives of people and animals. Soforests are very important. 10 She founded the Green Belt Movement in Kenya in 1977, She began to plant trees in order to prouet forests. There were many women working on the farms in villages in Kenya. They were very pooL, anat children were always hungry. They couldn't take good care of their children. Some of the children cou go to school. So Maathai wanted these women to join the Green Belt Movement. She began to work 15 the women. She *paid some money for their work. The money given to them wasa big help to make lives better. And that helped to make their children happier than before. At the same time, Maathai the women many things, such as how to read and write. They also learned that they could do somethin

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